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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:19 am

Southerner wrote:What was it they were after, the Cyprus oil wells, the Jam Butty Mines, the Keo Wells, the Baths of Aphrodite the mind boggles you do talk some crap; which leads me to the conclusion that when God put teeth in that hole in your face he ruined a perfectly good arse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

For someone who claims to have served on the British bases in Cyprus back in the sixties you sure have a very limited (or non-existent) understanding as to the existence of these bases. Did it never occur to you to ask one of your superiors why you were stationed on Cyprus? Surely it couldn’t have been the BBQs!
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Postby pantheman » Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:39 am

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:What was it they were after, the Cyprus oil wells, the Jam Butty Mines, the Keo Wells, the Baths of Aphrodite the mind boggles you do talk some crap; which leads me to the conclusion that when God put teeth in that hole in your face he ruined a perfectly good arse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

For someone who claims to have served on the British bases in Cyprus back in the sixties you sure have a very limited (or non-existent) understanding as to the existence of these bases. Did it never occur to you to ask one of your superiors why you were stationed on Cyprus? Surely it couldn’t have been the BBQs!

Get Real, no point replying to this idiot, he is is in self denial, never mind getting him to admit to the reasons the british were in cyprus.

Parhaps its because they all wanted tans, or a long holiday.

You are a serious first class twat mate. You are an embarrasment the the crown you claim to wear the queens uniform and you speak such utter bollocks.

Between you and your mate miltiades you are a insult to every GC who has suffered at the ill doings of the british in cyprus. From you i can expect as much, you are an arrogant, obnoxious bastard. But from Miltiades, who claims to be a patriot well, with countrymen like him who needs the f enemy.

F O the pair of you. I talk in this language cos its the only one you and he know how to understand, anything half decent and you will try to crap all over it.

Eliko, keep it up, i'm with you.

Oh and Southprat, just take a read of the cyprus weekly today and see the shit the US is responsible for.

asto diavolo
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:43 am

pantheman wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Eliko wrote:Southerner, I have NEVER said that the suicide bombers learned their violent ways in Iraq.
The history of the Middle East generally is NOT under discussion.
The British government AND the US, WERE involved in the Turkish invasion, (that is common knowledge), the whole process was engineered long before 1974.
I believe that the brotherhood which existed in Cyprus for generations, WILL one day return to the island.

Yes you did say that the daily suicide bombings in Iraq are as a result of the coalitions invasion, you've said it several times.

You cannot use just what bit of recent events suits your pathetic arguments, you have to consider the overall picture.

The bullshit you spout about the US & UK being involved in the invasion of Cyprus by Turkey just confirms what a mental pygmy you are. What was it they were after, the Cyprus oil wells, the Jam Butty Mines, the Keo Wells, the Baths of Aphrodite the mind boggles you do talk some crap; which leads me to the conclusion that when God put teeth in that hole in your face he ruined a perfectly good arse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK Southerner, thats enough, you are now taking the biscuit.

Between you and your old fogie bum chum you are making out that the UK and US are Fucking angels.

Its a fact you moron that the UK and the US were heavily instrumental in the invasion of cyprus by turkey. Go read you facts you tosser and then come back and say that again.

You were stationed here on a peace keeping mission you claim, what utter bollocks, if it wasn't for the likes of you then cyprus wouldn't have this problem now.

Just go read the released archievs from the UK/US secret services and tell me they had no involvement.

The cypro problem today exists because of them.

For a moment, lets just put iraq and afganistan to the side, go speak to you mate Kissenger and callaghan about what they did to us. You are a racist pig and typical brit who thinks its ok to do what you did, because we are only shitty GCs and its ok to fuck them. Well, mate i have news for you. Fuck off and take you papou with you.

Oh and in case you are too stupid to realise, the british wanted to be here not for the potatoes you dumb fuck, but because they wanted the stepping stone into the middle east. And whats there that everyone wants, ah yes the frigging oil you fool.

Now, lets talk about the ILLEGAL invasion of both Iraq and afgahistan, i suppose it the chinees who are there now? oh no you have confused it with the Russians. No its the god damned US/UK Der!

You need to wake up and get your sleeping partner with you, the US and the UK have ILLEGALLY invaded these countries because they could, because they want the oil, because there is no one that could stop them end of.

The results by these savages (as your little matey keeps refering to them as), is what you are seeing. well there you have it. Eliko was no excusing the blowing up of innocent people, but when you are driven into a corner the only way out is to fight. And this is the only way they know how.

You may have a point on alot of the things you say, but to keep on rubbing in my face that the US/UK had nothing to do with the cyprus problem is a down right kick in the bollocks insult.

The likes of you and you mate Miltiades, are blinded by the west, you won't allow any other opinion other than how wonderful they are. Go ask the iraqis/the afgans/the japanese/thepalastinians/the the the what they think you maybe surprised ate the result.

Its not that people are anti west as you like to put it, its because you are anti anything but the west. You think that the whole world owes to the US/UK and they should be kissing their butts. You are the racists here.

Eliko, you just keep on reminding these brainwashed fools about the shit that the west is spreading, because next they'll be wanting to give then F halos.

good on ya mate.

I surprise myself by agreeing with you here, Panthman. Somehow I do not understand this 'fascination' with the UK/USA foreign policies vis a vis Cyprus, Iraq, Afganistan etc.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:02 am

pantheman wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:What was it they were after, the Cyprus oil wells, the Jam Butty Mines, the Keo Wells, the Baths of Aphrodite the mind boggles you do talk some crap; which leads me to the conclusion that when God put teeth in that hole in your face he ruined a perfectly good arse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

For someone who claims to have served on the British bases in Cyprus back in the sixties you sure have a very limited (or non-existent) understanding as to the existence of these bases. Did it never occur to you to ask one of your superiors why you were stationed on Cyprus? Surely it couldn’t have been the BBQs!

Get Real, no point replying to this idiot, he is is in self denial, never mind getting him to admit to the reasons the british were in cyprus.

Parhaps its because they all wanted tans, or a long holiday.

You are a serious first class twat mate. You are an embarrasment the the crown you claim to wear the queens uniform and you speak such utter bollocks.

Between you and your mate miltiades you are a insult to every GC who has suffered at the ill doings of the british in cyprus. From you i can expect as much, you are an arrogant, obnoxious bastard. But from Miltiades, who claims to be a patriot well, with countrymen like him who needs the f enemy.

F O the pair of you. I talk in this language cos its the only one you and he know how to understand, anything half decent and you will try to crap all over it.

Eliko, keep it up, i'm with you.

Oh and Southprat, just take a read of the cyprus weekly today and see the shit the US is responsible for.

asto diavolo

Listen you blithering idiot , the Brits were in Cyprus BECAUSE IT SERVED THEIR INTERESTS . A practise that all superpowers through out History engaged in. I'm looking after my country's' interests by supporting those that can be instrumental in bringing about a solution to our problems , not supporting as you do those with whom you can engage in "Angloamericanico " pathetic discussions , that if it wasnt fot the Americans and British Cyprus would today be thriving without any Turks !!!You are , along with the likes of you the enemies of Cyprus , only thing egg head you cant see further than your nose. Stop acting the big ass and cut down on your foul language too.
AS FOR YOUR STUPID COMMENTS "WHAT ELSE CAN THEY DO " (THE SAVAGES " Let me tell what they should not do. Blow themselves up in petrol stations , in mosques , in market places killing their own people , cant you see this or are you indeed an idiot .
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:13 am

denizaksulu wrote: I surprise myself by agreeing with you here, Panthman. Somehow I do not understand this 'fascination' with the UK/USA foreign policies vis a vis Cyprus, Iraq, Afganistan etc.

I can't understand this 'fascination' either although southerner being a Brit will understandably try to justify his country, albeit hopelessly thus far, but what's with that plonker Miltiades hell bent on kissing "royal" arse? :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:17 am

miltiades wrote:LONG LIVE AMERICA.

:shock: Oh how you must have envied Monica Lewinsky... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:27 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:LONG LIVE AMERICA.

:shock: Oh how you must have envied Monica Lewinsky... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I often wonder why my friend Milti does not live in the USoA. I suppose its too far from Cyprus.
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Postby Steve0505 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:31 am

Pantheman is typical of the 'liberal let's blame everything on the US' brigade.

He has to resort to foul language due to a limited education ( typified by his blinkered views )

I agree with you Miltiades, and it's about time people were more grateful of the security of what the US/UK alliance gives them.

As for blaming everybody but the greek junta and power hungry GC for the turks invasion is a bit rich
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Postby Eliko » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:36 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:LONG LIVE AMERICA.

:shock: Oh how you must have envied Monica Lewinsky... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I often wonder why my friend Milti does not live in the USoA. I suppose its too far from Cyprus.

The answer to that denizaksulu, is quite obvious, there are not so many Brits there that he can 'rip off' whilst posing as a patriot.

The Yanks would probably kick his 'turncoat' arse out of the country.

In my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:41 am

Steve0505 wrote:Pantheman is typical of the 'liberal let's blame everything on the US' brigade.

He has to resort to foul language due to a limited education ( typified by his blinkered views )

I agree with you Miltiades, and it's about time people were more grateful of the security of what the US/UK alliance gives them.

As for blaming everybody but the greek junta and power hungry GC for the turks invasion is a bit rich

What security are you talking about. They have created more 'terrorists' and put more innocent lives at risk all over the world. You want us to be grateful. You must be joking. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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