Avanapa wrote:I get exasparated with you moaning brits who have obviously never properly researched flights before making your moves. Stories of £700 flights are just , at best exaggerations and at worst downright lies. After searching meticulousy I cannot ever say that , regardless of the time of year , I could,nt find a return flight less than £300. There are many flights around the £270 - £300 mark even in July and August. You try booking a flight to anywhere in Spain and you,ll soon find that there is little difference in the prices available between Spain and Cyprus. Get a grip of yourselves and stop looking for any excuse to rubbish Cyprus. Its obvious , to me at least, that you people are just never going to be pleased. Your looking for something for nothing and when its not forthcoming you spit out your dummy. No wonder we have the reputation we have been landed with. If you have a problem with Cyprus then its very simple. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!
No I wont go elsewhere , I was born in Cyprus and I have every right to scream and shout when faced with rip off merchants including Cyprus airways , taxi drivers , motor cyclists who break the law and dont give a f..k as well as the police who turn a blind eye and allow drivers of cars and motor cycles to spread their noise and damn right idiotic third world antics as if only they have the right to live in Cyprus. The visitors ALSO have the same right .
As far getting flights for under £300 in July / August , as a regular flyer at least every 6 weeks , I can most definitely say that Cyprus is the MOST expensive destination. My last flight on August 3rd , returning August 6th , Cyprus airways at one stage were demanding over £600 before coming down to £417 two days before the flight. Managed to get a British Airways flight for £380.00 . The difference here was the new seats on this BA aircraft were so uncomfortable it felt as if no padding was use on the seats and back at all.
We all have a right to complain and we are doing a Cyprus a favour by highlighting the areas where improvements are needed urgently in order to save the" Goose " that lays the golden egg , and this Goose IS the BRIT, the most profitable and most welcome commodity to the Cyprus economy . Take a look at Paphos and see how the entire town and surrounding villages have prospered as a result of the Brits .
They should allocate one day a year and pay homage to this wonderful "Goose " that has made their lives so much better from when I was a child growing up in Paphos.