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Postby Southerner » Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:04 pm

I will not respond to any more of Elikos shameful remarks on this particular thread.
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Postby Eliko » Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:38 pm

miltiades, then we have YOU of course, flitting between the Cyprus you love so much and the UK.

Not eligible for service in the British army since you are a cypriot, not qualifying for service in Cyprus since you carefully manage to return to the UK before you become eligible for inclusion, a lifetime of a skittering rat, hardly the actions of a man who has a 'Great Love' for his homeland.

miltiades, never mind the Gypsy boy, I wouldn't wipe my arse with you either. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:45 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, then we have YOU of course, flitting between the Cyprus you love so much and the UK.

Not eligible for service in the British army since you are a cypriot, not qualifying for service in Cyprus since you carefully manage to return to the UK before you become eligible for inclusion, a lifetime of a skittering rat, hardly the actions of a man who has a 'Great Love' for his homeland.

miltiades, never mind the Gypsy boy, I wouldn't wipe my arse with you either. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby beverley10 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:03 pm

Thankyou to all of you with positive replies to my particular question / remarks on flight prices.And a resounding "arseholes" to the rest of you prejudiced bigots who no doubt are among some of the worst offenders at ripping off the Golden goose!! We are not perfect,but we are hard working and honest and came to Cyprus with a dream.My husband was promised work by the developer(only I am retired) and surprise surprise it was nowhere to be seen once he had our money! I ended up cleaning other ex pats places just to buy food to make our savings go further.My husband being a proud man could not bear to see me cleaning in 40Degrees (I have asthma) and put his foot down and insisted we return to the uk!So do'nt judge me as being stupid,I was illadvised to trust people and paid the price!!
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Postby Southerner » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:20 pm

beverley10 wrote:Thankyou to all of you with positive replies to my particular question / remarks on flight prices.
Beverly I am sorry that things turned out as they did for you and your husband, we will only be able to move to Cyprus when I retire next year, my wife is now 60 so we will both be on state pensions plus our savings.

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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:25 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, then we have YOU of course, flitting between the Cyprus you love so much and the UK.

Not eligible for service in the British army since you are a cypriot, not qualifying for service in Cyprus since you carefully manage to return to the UK before you become eligible for inclusion, a lifetime of a skittering rat, hardly the actions of a man who has a 'Great Love' for his homeland.

miltiades, never mind the Gypsy boy, I wouldn't wipe my arse with you either. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Listen you bird-brained trivial mediocre political observer masquerading as an intellectual , my arse !! , What the hell do you know about me to make these utterly stupid comments , just like the one in which you implied paedophile tendencies .Your insignificant contributions are not worthy of my response but maybe I just enjoy it !!
Incidentally , can I repeat once more .What a total waste of a Hallucinatory ! Education. And you dont even drink do you ?
Go back to school Eliko , demand " your " money back , unless of course you were educated at the world famous Havana University !
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:29 pm

beverley10 wrote:Thankyou to all of you with positive replies to my particular question / remarks on flight prices.And a resounding "arseholes" to the rest of you prejudiced bigots who no doubt are among some of the worst offenders at ripping off the Golden goose!! We are not perfect,but we are hard working and honest and came to Cyprus with a dream.My husband was promised work by the developer(only I am retired) and surprise surprise it was nowhere to be seen once he had our money! I ended up cleaning other ex pats places just to buy food to make our savings go further.My husband being a proud man could not bear to see me cleaning in 40Degrees (I have asthma) and put his foot down and insisted we return to the uk!So do'nt judge me as being stupid,I was illadvised to trust people and paid the price!!

Sorry to hear your travails. Its a sad fact that our lovely island is becoming a breeding ground of crooks...CROOKS
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Postby beverley10 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:30 pm

Thankyou Southerner for your pleasant remarks.We love Cyprus and it,s lovely people(thankfully in the majority) and hope to return one day when my husband gets his state pension.We shall rent though as my health is not good so will have to live mostly in UK (probably in a mobile home to release some cash).Good luck for you.
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Postby Eliko » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:39 pm

miltiades, pipe down old man, just because I've sussed you out there is no need to get excited, I am sure you would have made a fine soldier, (if they could catch you of course).

You chose the other route and became a 'turncoat', no harm in that either really (for a skitterer), I often had occasion to order my 'Provo Sergeant' to clap the likes of you in the guard-house for their own protection, they just couldn't cut the mustard you see.

Advantage of course, (in your case, being a fence sitter), whatever the outcome of the problems here, you will be able to tearfully embrace everyone won't you?, not a bad plan for an ignorant old fool I reckon. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:45 pm

Beverley , I'm also sad to hear of your bad experiences in Cyprus. I have always believed and preached that Cyprus is paradise on earth , provided you have a few quid in your pocket , dont have to work , have somewhere nice to live and do not rely on just your pension to make your life comfortable.
I have run my own business in the UK for more than 35 years but would not start a business in Cyprus ,having once done so and lived to regret it. The Cypriot businessman is amongst the shrewdest business people in the world. Too shrewd on occasions for my liking.
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