You can find land/property purchase nightmares both sides of the border, although selling the same place several times seems quite prevalant 'over there'. Buyer MUST beware wherever you buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still surprised though that there isn't one suggestion as to how the issue is resolved considering all the spleens that are usually vented. If the answer isn't a 'peaceful one' then I dont see a way forward. (if someone occupied my house I'd be wanting it back by hook or by crook thats for sure!!). But therein lies the problem. The only solution I'd consider accepting would be a large pay-off. For many, understandably, that would not be an option. Its these people that will have to give answers.
I went to Dyrenia (wrong spelling i know) view point. The stories and videos were very saddening. Was the USA really behind the invasion so they could get a base here? Do/did they have a base in the North???? Or was this Turkish expansionism. Or was there something else?