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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:13 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Perhaps there should be gardening and cookery section??

This is it, I thought! Anyway you can always begin a new thread. The best way to use our mouths. :lol: :lol:
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Postby kafenes » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:10 pm

Kikapu wrote:
kafenes wrote:
I'll take your word for it Deniz as I don't know much about Kolokasi even though I do like it. My favourite is Boulles (baby kolokasi).

Kafenes, thanks for the name "Boulles". I have been trying my best to remember this name. Now, this is a small version of a Kolokas, almost shaped like a very large pear, and after peeling it, it is "deep fried" very gently. Same also for potatoes cooked this way.

Is this correct by any chance.??

That's right Kikapu. Mum makes little slits with the tip of the knife and inserts small pieces of garlic before frying them.
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:13 pm

Thanks for making me feel hungry Kafenes!!! That sounds delicious, I never thought of adding garlic!! A Cyriot version of "garlic wedges" eh?
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Postby kafenes » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:19 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Thanks for making me feel hungry Kafenes!!! That sounds delicious, I never thought of adding garlic!! A Cyriot version of "garlic wedges" eh?

:) She does the same with the garlic also when frying the small eggplants before she adds the fresh grated tomates.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:10 pm

kafenes wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:Thanks for making me feel hungry Kafenes!!! That sounds delicious, I never thought of adding garlic!! A Cyriot version of "garlic wedges" eh?

:) She does the same with the garlic also when frying the small eggplants before she adds the fresh grated tomates.

Maybe we should rename / re-title Kafenes as the Chief Peace maker and Halil his Vice. Whenever the temperature rises on the forum their mention of food will stop all the bickering. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:53 pm

Tess I am all for a cookery section. I think the people in the forum will give more and more genuine Cyprus recipes than those found on most websites. And the moderators should have a data base for the recipes given for quick reference.

Cooking is a fascinating subject and it gives insights into culture and history. Which is my way of excusing my greed, I do it all for culture!

Kafenes should be the honorary president of the section naturally. Poulles with garlic, what an amazing idea, why didn't I think of that!
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Postby kafenes » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:05 pm

Nikitas wrote:Tess I am all for a cookery section. I think the people in the forum will give more and more genuine Cyprus recipes than those found on most websites. And the moderators should have a data base for the recipes given for quick reference.

Cooking is a fascinating subject and it gives insights into culture and history. Which is my way of excusing my greed, I do it all for culture!

Kafenes should be the honorary president of the section naturally. Poulles with garlic, what an amazing idea, why didn't I think of that!

And to make it more interesting, after frying the boulles with the garlic remove most of the oil, add a little white dry wine and a little water, cover the pan and let it simmer for a while.
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:07 pm


I am working late and having a burger in front of my computer. Describing poulles krasates at such a moment is just what I need!

My colleagues here in Greece want to know what poulles taste like. There really is no way to describe that taste, is there! I recall poulles with pork kappamas, with red wine and coriander, aman!!!!
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Postby iceman » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:12 pm

Enough with the vegetable recepies....what about a delicious octopus cooked in red vine?? This is one of the very few dishes i can cook but people who taste it say they haven't tasted octopus this delicious in fish restaurants..It melts in your mouth..
I first boil the octopus twice (changing water each time) not forgetting to add a pinch of vinegar in the water..
In another pan i fry 4-5 chopped onions in olive oil..then i add 3-4 peeled & chopped tomatoes...then i add plenty of fine sliced garlic...i stir it all up for 10-15 mins till the juice from tomatoes evaporate...then i add few branches of rosemary & some dried bay leaves...keep stirring another 10 mins..
I chop the octopus in small pieces and add it in the pan with the other ingredients....couple of glasses of red vine and stir it for a while then cover it with a lid...let it simmer on low heat for 20-25 mins...
Next,open up a decent bottle of vine with it.........yummmmmmmmmmmmm....
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Postby kafenes » Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:51 am

iceman wrote:Enough with the vegetable recepies....what about a delicious octopus cooked in red vine?? This is one of the very few dishes i can cook but people who taste it say they haven't tasted octopus this delicious in fish restaurants..It melts in your mouth..
I first boil the octopus twice (changing water each time) not forgetting to add a pinch of vinegar in the water..
In another pan i fry 4-5 chopped onions in olive oil..then i add 3-4 peeled & chopped tomatoes...then i add plenty of fine sliced garlic...i stir it all up for 10-15 mins till the juice from tomatoes evaporate...then i add few branches of rosemary & some dried bay leaves...keep stirring another 10 mins..
I chop the octopus in small pieces and add it in the pan with the other ingredients....couple of glasses of red vine and stir it for a while then cover it with a lid...let it simmer on low heat for 20-25 mins...
Next,open up a decent bottle of vine with it.........yummmmmmmmmmmmm....

Iceman, that sounds really delicious. I will try it one day. A little hint for octopus lovers, after washing the octopus well, put it in a DRY pan (without water) and simmer it gently. Soon you will see all the juice being extracted from the octopus and the pan will fill with liquid. Keep simmering until all the juices evaporate. Then continue with your recipe. Iceman, you can do this before you boil it in the water.
Another dish which I hate the smell while cooking but love the taste is squid cooked in its own ink.
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