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Favourite Cypriot Dishes

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Postby LENA » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:04 pm

Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:
Kikapu was telling about Tavsan bastı...... (rabbit with onions )

Halil, that is correct. Do they still cook this dish in Cyprus or has it "Gone with the Wind".

They do ... all the time...and in they way that Richard describes it....with rabbit from peoples garden!!!
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:04 pm

Nick T wrote:Hi to all. I normally look into the forum to see what's happening.
You know, the normal inter-communal sniping nonsense....... it's all your fault; no it's not it's all your fault...... We was here first..... ad nauseam.
Same old same old. One day hopefully we may see a pragmatic solution that benefits all & disadvantages no one. Altruistic & stupid maybe; but we have hope!

Anyway, enough boring stuff. This Cypriot cuisine thread has got me salivating to the point of coming onto this forum instead of being an observer.

Love all that Cypriot cuisine.... Haven't had much since my mum died-theos makaritisa-but hopefully remedied, albeit temporarily, when I holiday in Kypros in a few weeks.
By the way, Moudjendra is great. The slight difference/variation in recipe can usually be put down to locale i.e village variations. Everyone has there own special way & ingredients.

Has anybody mentioned 'Fadji me to tri' with loads of fried onions & croutons, or should I more accurately say ....diced katsoura. Bloody marvellous. I want some now. Problem is one tends to over extend & you end up bristikomenos!!

You guys have literally whetted my appetite. In the process you have also demonstrated that Kypriaki kouzina is a unifying factor cutting a swathe across the communal divide.
I propose a food fest & leave the politics till everyone is sated.

Kali Orexi to all wherever & whoever you are.
:D :D :D

Welcome Nick T and thanks
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Postby zan » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:14 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
zan wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Another dish I have not had for many moons, is the Onion dish with rabbit. It is only onions and rabbit with all the usual flavouring.

What I cook often, and I dare not try to spell it in Turkish, is Lentil Rice (Pilav), which is regular whole lentils and rice cooked together with tomatoes and flavouring with lots of diced Onions browned in butter and poured into the cooked Lentil Rice and mixed together. Let it sit for a while before serving. It's hard to stop eating it, even when full.

I think you are talking of Mucendra/mujendra? It does not even sound Turkish , but was often cooked in our homes.

A nice dolop of suzme yogurt and a fresh onion MMMmmmmmmmmm!

Yogurt will be the end of me. How can one lose weight when every time I eat rice food, I must have yogurt. With rice pilav, dolma/ vine leaves, keftedes with rice, stuffed artichokes (nobody has mentioned that) bulgur pilav, all with yogurt. I hope I go with a smile on my face. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Or with yogurt on your face at least :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We have to take a pot of yogurt along with us when ever we go out to eat...My youngest son eats it with anything too...
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:17 pm

LENA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:
Kikapu was telling about Tavsan bastı...... (rabbit with onions )

Halil, that is correct. Do they still cook this dish in Cyprus or has it "Gone with the Wind".

They do ... all the time...and in they way that Richard describes it....with rabbit from peoples garden!!!


RichardB said this.
Stiffado made from home raised rabbits at the end of the garden flavoured with home made wine vinegar

This does not sound like "Tavsan Basti" my dear.

"Tavsan Basti" is watery dish, much like a stew with rabbit. I believe it is best if cooked in a oven, but also possible on a stove in a pot.
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Postby Nick T » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:52 pm

Mahalebi with rodostema or triantafilo. Risoyallo Kypraiko style with cinammon. Especially when allowed to set & eaten cold.

Oh by the way does anyone know if you can still find freshly home made fresh 'Iyerani/Iyeran from a stall. Last time I had this was 1984!!!
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Postby RichardB » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:53 pm

Hi kikapu
Stiffado is a rabbit stew , packed with onions and flavoured with wine vinegar
I've heard it called Tavash Even if its not what you're talking about its still wondrful
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:58 pm

Nick T wrote:Mahalebi with rodostema or triantafilo. Risoyallo Kypraiko style with cinammon. Especially when allowed to set & eaten cold.

Oh by the way does anyone know if you can still find freshly home made fresh 'Iyerani/Iyeran from a stall. Last time I had this was 1984!!!

Nick T
Ayran is the easiest drink to make. Buy some smooth natural yogurt, mix it 50:50 with water add salt to taste with a pinch of fresh mint, hey presto.
Store in your fridge and serve with some ice cubes. What a coolant and thirst quencher!!
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Postby RichardB » Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:00 pm

Nick T wrote:Mahalebi with rodostema or triantafilo. Risoyallo Kypraiko style with cinammon. Especially when allowed to set & eaten cold.

Oh by the way does anyone know if you can still find freshly home made fresh 'Iyerani/Iyeran from a stall. Last time I had this was 1984!!!

Ahhh NickT Rizogollo now you're making my mouth water

I believe that the TCs do a similar dish and according to my wife even better :lol:
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Postby Nick T » Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:20 pm

Many thanks Denizaksulu. Obvious really; but I guess It needed that special ingredient X.
As it turns out Ingredient X is .......common sense.

How about tava cooked in a deep circular aluminium dish with, again, loads of onions, or kromithkia, to give them their correct Cypriot name.

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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:27 pm

Nick T wrote:Many thanks Denizaksulu. Obvious really; but I guess It needed that special ingredient X.
As it turns out Ingredient X is .......common sense.

How about tava cooked in a deep circular aluminium dish with, again, loads of onions, or kromithkia, to give them their correct Cypriot name.


If I were you I would stay away from Aluminium cooking utensils. You know what they say about Alzheimers Disease. Stick to earthenware, if not stainless steel or cast iron.
After that Afiyet olsun/Bon apetit
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