The whole point of a truth and reconcialiation commission - very diffilcut to achieve, but has still been acheived - is to bring out the truth of what has happened to people, what they have experienced. It is not to claim to establish 'the truth' as if only one truth were possible. It therefore accepts that there are many different histories, many different experiences, many different 'sides'. It operates on the principle of 'this is my story, this is my experience, this is what happened to me'. It does not proceed on the basis that you are lying, that your experience doesn't count, that your story is propaganda, that what happened to you and yours is irrelevant.
Piratis says
Are you ready to accept the truth?
As if the truth were a neat little package held by someone, just waiting for the taking. So long as your repeatedly throw such phrases around 'accept the truth - like some religiious mystic, as if we were waiting for a messiah, then nothing but ill will come of it.
Pantheman says,
Why do you only think we should be the ones to back down everytime. Its a good job we have people like Kifeas, piratis and others who are knowledgable people that can fight our corner.
First, I'm not asking you (whoever you are) to back down. Second, I'm not picking on Piratis or Kifeas or whoever, I'm responding to unknown people who post views on the Forum. I don't know who they are or whether they have a position or 'side' to defend
By not telling us, we will just consider you to be talking from the a biased side.
As I've said before, this tells us a lot more about you than it will ever tell about me.
I've not been in this Forum that long and I've not had chance to read many of the past threads, but already the number of times exactly the same arguments, exactly the same stereotypes, exactly the same disparaging of the other, exactly the same contempt for the others that is expressed here confirms that there's unlikely to be an end to the 'Cyprus problem'. A cycle of abuse to the Nth generation, and some people seem incapable of making any effort to break out of that vicious cycle.
in the end people will stop listening.
Seems to me that this happened a long time ago. The problem is not how do you get people to agree, the fundamental problem is how you get people to start listening again.
What is the Cyprus problem ? Why is there a Cyprus problem. Answer : look at many of the contributions in this Forum. Too few can step outside the trap.