Kikapu wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:I just noticed Kikapus topic has been deliberately destroyed.
What's all these have to do with the topic?????
It wasn't much of a Topic actually Pyro, but an interesting article of today's situation facing any peace process. I don't know why some are trying to divert attention from reality, and it must be the truth, because it has not been countered with any kinds of accusations, but instead unrelated materials from the past. Any intelligent reader will know, what goes on here, so why waste time with all the "smoke screens" to try and derail what's in the public domain, as the initial report was.
The report does add a lot of credence to my conversation with my cousin's husband however, regarding the land issues and peace.
Oh I believe there was MUCH to talk for this Kikapu. This forum tends to be more like exchanging swords that providing ANY information at all.
For example:
a)The report says the directions came from Ankara. What directions? Is it true, does anybody know anything about it?
b)what is the short term and what will it be the long term IMPACT on the TCs. Has anyone thought about it? ( I already asked this question but nobody replied) And finally of course
c)The impact on the prospects for a solution-which is pretty obvious anyway.
Your cousin's husband is just one of the many crooks imo. And not only that, I suspect he did what he did, having inside information.
By the information I have this sudden construction boom was actually PRE-PLANNED. The plan was a)Concentrate huge parts of developable land in the hands of few by buying for peanuts. b)Do the infrastructure (using taxpayers money from Turkey) and have it ready. c)Start building cause a boost in prices and get the profit.
In this chorus there are mainly mainland Turkish Companies, British rank second (is there any place in the world they wouldn't stick their noses?

The average TC who sells today is just a small fish in the big lake...
And there is of course that part of honest TCs who refuse to join.