Finally here and settling in nicely... in fact so far loving it!
I've been in Limassol for just over 2 weeks (no internet thanks to CYTA but let off lightly as normal waiting time is 3 months!) and first impressions of actually living in Cyprus -
Hot!!! It's no fun lugging furniture and boxes around in the heat.
Really good service, the washing machine was fixed the same day for £20 inc part (£60 just to get the guy to sit in his van in the UK), driveway being laid and 6 guys work from 7 am to 8pm, CYTA fixed phone line same day - not bad!
Health service - amazing!!! Daughter has been referred to a specialist having something diagnosed that was never picked up in the UK despite problems and hubby saw a chiropractor instantly and x-rayed immediately. It is a pain having to find different doctors for every type of treatment but as they are specialists they know their stuff.
Driving is crap.
Found a really good local taverna but the waiter is a miserable g*t.
Sitting on my verandah overlooking the mountains - priceless.
No internet shopping and I hate grocery shopping but coping.
Rubbish furniture shops, all over the top decorative or ultra modern expensive.
I have made some really good Cypriot friends already.
Good wine, I like it and it's cheap.
Overall pretty good. I'm going with the flow and happy to fit in which ever way the flow moves.