İ sometimes wonder whether the current situation is so bad. After all nobody is being killed. People can come and go across the boader as they please. From what İ ve seen the standard of living is pretty much the same on both sides. However there are of course differences:
1. There are no topless beaches in the North. U sometimes see some titty but it is very rare. However in the South there's loads of titty. İ myself can't enjoy a day at the beach without seeing some good quality titty.
2. Casinos are legal in the North. And what fun it is for Greek Cypriots to slip across the boader for the weekend and blow thousands of dollars on roulette.
3. Better clubs in the south. No place in the North can compete with Ana Napa when it comes to mindless drinking and shamless one night stands - God damn İ need a good holiday!
4. Brothels in the North. Brothels in the north are legal. Need İ say more?
Now up tıll now İ ve been mindlessly ranting but if u bear with u ll see the point İ m gonna make. We have the most unique position in the world. We live in a country which is really two countries. Where the style of life is completely different. Everyone else on the planet has to hop on a plane or plan a holiday when they want to see a different culture. All we have to do is take a short drive.
So you see if you are a fat bored Greek Business man you can leave your wife at home and nip across the border and enjoy your evening in a casino or brothel or hell maybe even both. Likewise if you are a randy TC teenager looking to get mindless drunk and lose yr cherry you can try yr luck in Ayna Napa.
So is the glass half empty or half full?