Eliko wrote:Chris, that is what happens when the 'Brits' get their foot in the door of anyones country, they create upheaval and then come in the 'guise' of saviours to rectify the problem.
The truth is that they destroy any nation they put their 'Curse of Jesus' hand on, get out of the country before they contaminate your young mind son, their own nation is now crumbling as a result of their past evils mate.
Bananiot wrote:Then you ask yourself "why all nations don't just open their borders for all" throwing the debate into dismay and despair. Borders are a complex issue - I shouldn't need to clarify this - with all sort of people trying to get in (or out). The genuine economic emigrants, money launderers, drug traffickers, criminal sorts etc. Much filtering has to be done and when you cleverly argue that all borders should be open in order to demonstrate a vein point, one can only wonder as to your intentions at least.
Bananiot wrote:Hello miltiades. Are you a Lord Howard too? By the way, I also disagreed with Eliko on this, but as you probably know this is conventional wisdom in Cyprus, cultivated by the very politicians that like to lay the blame on the shoulders of others in order to cover their mistakes.
Eliko wrote:miltiades, I was wondering how long it would be before you administered your usual dose of insult,I read your other post 'Hello again from Cyprus', perhaps you would care to peruse that one while you are in your usual insulting mood Sir.
miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades, I was wondering how long it would be before you administered your usual dose of insult,I read your other post 'Hello again from Cyprus', perhaps you would care to peruse that one while you are in your usual insulting mood Sir.
Eliko , calling an ardent hater of the UK and the West stupid because of his incessant appetite at every opportunity to post nonsense is not Insulting but to the point. Look at most of your posts , hate hate and more hate for the West. You are sick with hatred for the West , you need help , I suggest you gracefully accept my views on your mental state and do something about it . You called me a paedophile a little while ago you stupid man and expect me to treat you with kid gloves. Go join your mates in Afghanistan , on the other hand Iraq is much nearer and they can do with a little laugh. No more of your gibberish nonsense now.
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