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Why the Greek Flag?

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Postby BelloTurco 2007 » Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:19 pm

Peterc wrote:
BelloTurco 2007 wrote:
Peterc wrote:Bello Turco, you have touched a nerve, and you have made a good point. Unfortunately, your ignorance or your nieveness overides your knowledge or intelligence. what the u.s.a wants the u.s.a gets. now grow up and no more childishness.

Now who is nieve and childish. What the U.S.A. wants it gets? The USA wanted Vietnam, did it get it? The USA wanted CUBA did it get it? The USA thought it would take İraq over in a day, did it? Please peterc don't turn a blind eye to evil it only streenghtens it. İf u don t want the flag of Greece flying on your İsland than take it down. Greece did nothing for the Greek Cypriots. They were cowards who made a bad situation worse. İt is up to u to take down their flag. Don t flow their cowardly route.

Your not really comparing cyprus to vietnam iraq and cuba are you?????????????????????????

İ am trying to prove that the USA only get what itr wants when u turn a blind eye
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:28 am

Hell, im proud to see the Armenian flag in areas libereated from the Azeris. Please :? Taco bell?? Do you think Azeris get pissed when they see the Turkish flag since Turkey was to scared to inverene knowing Russia would have been in Ankara within 24 hours?? Think before you speak. P S You didnt mention a thing about how the TC'S stole Armenian Cypriot proerty and ethnically cleansed them out of there section of Nicosia.
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Re: Why the Greek Flag?

Postby paliometoxo » Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:14 am

BelloTurco 2007 wrote:Aren't Greek Cypriots ashamed or embrassed when they see the flag of Greece flying in their sky? You see as a Turkish Cypriot İ am proud when İ see the flag of Turkey flying in my sky because my 'big brother' came in my hour hour of need. Yet the big brother of Greek Cypriots, Greece, ran away when they needed help. So tell me please, what is it with the Greek flag?

No i think you mean Turkish should feel ashamed having the turkish flags in cyprus.. paying all that money to keep the flags lit

plus if i am not mistaken greece where kept out of the war by uk.. or was it america? they where not allowed to help.

and well said Armenian Cypriot, i would of loved to see russia go to ankara and do their thing.
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Postby twinkle » Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:56 am


The Greek ships were turned away by the British. The Greek army that was already here fought as bravely as any Cypriot.

Grow up you pathetic cretin.
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Postby sweetie pie » Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:02 am

BelloTurco 2007 wrote:
Peterc wrote:Bello Turco, you have touched a nerve, and you have made a good point. Unfortunately, your ignorance or your nieveness overides your knowledge or intelligence. what the u.s.a wants the u.s.a gets. now grow up and no more childishness.

Now who is nieve and childish. What the U.S.A. wants it gets? The USA wanted Vietnam, did it get it? The USA wanted CUBA did it get it? The USA thought it would take İraq over in a day, did it? Please peterc don't turn a blind eye to evil it only streenghtens it. İf u don t want the flag of Greece flying on your İsland than take it down. Greece did nothing for the Greek Cypriots. They were cowards who made a bad situation worse. İt is up to u to take down their flag. Don t flow their cowardly route.

So Turkey came to you in your hour of need? So much so that there are more Turks in the north of the island than there are Cypriots. Those that represent northern Cyprus are TOLD by Turkey to prove their Turkishness? Methinks that its not a case of being a friend more of a benign despot!!

Well I suppose livng in the UK you can hold what views you like which unfortunately is a problem in Turkey!! You can hold what views you like in Turkey and the occupied areas so long as they concur with the occupiers views!!
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Postby alexISS » Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:34 am

I was about to give belliturko a proper reply but I see he got told already
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:06 pm

I say the American flag should be the national flag of cyprus... its a flag of freedom and a flag of the cicilised world..... :D Sme1 has to be comicle about this i nominated myself
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Re: Why the Greek Flag?

Postby EPSILON » Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:42 pm

BelloTurco 2007 wrote:Aren't Greek Cypriots ashamed or embrassed when they see the flag of Greece flying in their sky? You see as a Turkish Cypriot İ am proud when İ see the flag of Turkey flying in my sky because my 'big brother' came in my hour hour of need. Yet the big brother of Greek Cypriots, Greece, ran away when they needed help. So tell me please, what is it with the Greek flag?

Is not the flag which came or not came for help, neither the Greek or Turkish citizens decide to come or not to come.

it was only a Junta regime in Athens who had nothing to do with the National flag of Greeks of Cyprus.

Just for your information the Greek flag in GCs society buildings is provided also by Zyrich treety.
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Postby BelloTurco 2007 » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:59 pm

İ will have to respond to all u cretins above as one since u a r so stupid it would be tiring to respond to u individually.
1. Turkish cypriots never etnically cleasned any race. No race on Cyprus was ethnically cleansed by Turks. The onlt people responsible for ethnic cleasing were the Greeks.
2. And what's all the crap about Azeris? R u talking about ancient history? Or the modern world where Turkey is trying to be a progressive state minding it s own business and trying to stay out of its neighbours business.
3. Russians marching on Ankara - typical of Greeks to want someone else to do their fighting for them. U always have to run behind someone.
4. England and America told Greece to retreat? What the hell are u talking about? The only reason the Turkey didn t take the whole island is because America and England said stop u've kicked their ass enough!
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Postby free_cyprus » Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:05 pm

BelloTurco 2007
once ina while we get amoron in here that either works for the benefit of greece or turkey either way it makes no fecking diffferance the main thing is admin shoul not allow feckers like you and your kind to post shit in this is better to stay quite then to open your mouth and reveal without doub what an idiot you are
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