Setting up a new business is hard work, involves long hours and can be very expensive. Getting started, especially in a new country, can be difficult as there is a lot of information to consider. Many Expats deciding to make their home in Cyprus look to start a business. This can be a daunting task and is often made harder by the fact that many will consider working from home in a bid to reduce overheads. Clearly, this has some benefits. But with it can come the feeling of isolation and trying to separate business and domestic issues. However, a more professional approach is often required in the way of offices or somewhere to meet clients. Setting up an office is an expensive and time consuming task and requires new businesses to commit to lengthy tenancy contracts. However, a new affordable virtual office has recently been set up in the centre of Larnaca. The Business Hub specializes in providing pay-as-you-go business facilities to budding entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium sized businesses.
The virtual office facility has been specially designed to help a wide range of business users, including new start-ups, home workers, and trades people. Aware that there are many people in business who are not in a position to afford traditional office accommodation, or who may not need full time offices, it provides a means of working alongside and meeting like-minded people in a professional environment. This can lead to increased networking and the exchange of advice between individuals.
Its web site, (, will eventually act as a means of support to entrepreneurs by providing useful links and a forum to help promote advice and networking.
Entrepreneurs can come in and use as much or as little of our facilities as they require, without the need to sign any lengthy contracts. For example, there’s no problem in booking a workstation for an hour or booking a room for a morning meeting with a client. The costs are very reasonable too, with work-stations costing as little as £3.5 per hour. Our aim is to make doing business as easy and as cost effective as possible. Other services available to users include business advice and website design. Interested parties should visit the website at or call 24665806.