Kikapu wrote: Makazine,
Glad to hear, that you have been to Holland and have experienced what Europe has to offer. I believe you will find Cyprus totally different than what you saw in the Netherlands. For a start, nobody rides bicycles in Cyprus anymore, and for very good reasons........they want to keep on living.
LOL, there must be a lot of rough drivers in Cyprus then? So it is not a good idea to get a bicycle then??
I passed through Houston couple of times, and must say, as a city, it did nothing at all for me. Texas as a whole, is fairly "plain" except for one or two places.....sorry.
Awww, no fair!

Did you come to the museum district, Galveston, Kemah, Woodlands Pavilion, Marquee entertainment center, the Galleria (World-class shopping and entertainment), and downtown Houston (fun @ night)? Statewide; The Alamo, Dallas, Austin (top ten big cities, best places to live), and possibly Laredo, Texas
I'm curious. You having Nigerian parent, I would assume that your skin colour is darker than average American Blacks, due to some white genes in the mix. Are you treated any differently by Black Americans because of your darker complexions. It's not too often I would see a Black person from Africa in the States, at least not in the West Coast, as I do in Europe. Perhaps more in New York because of UN being there.
Black Americans, multi-ethnic or not, differ in color, just as the Africans do. But I am fairly dark-skinned. According to research, darker Black Americans have it harder than lighter ones, but I have had little or no problems in that area. I can relate to everyone, dark or light, so long as he or she is willing to reciprocate. No probs.
There are tons of African people in America. Don't forget that the U.S. is the melting of thousands of cultures. I used to live in Baltimore and there were a number of African living here and there. In Houston, there are tons of Africans especially in southwest Houston and a place called Sugar Land right next to SW Houston. West coast, I'm not so sure, but there should be some.
Anyway, enjoy Cyprus while you're there.
In your opinion, do you think I will?
BTW, you R not ancient