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Questions About Cyprus from a Student

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Postby CopperLine » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:08 pm

North or south, don't have too many worries. I'm regularly in north and south with family and friends, with locals and non-locals and I've not experienced any problems.

Some people are sensitive to the use of different words - TRNC, Greek and so on - but this is where being a non-native might help : just say you're confused as to what the right phrase to use is, what words the person you're just talking to uses. Nine times out of ten, people are fairly relaxed and forgiving about it and the other times the usually say "don't use X phrase".

As far as student population is concerned, my impression is that the universities in the north are probably more diverse than the south, with students from across Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Eastern Europe as well as Turkey and northern Cyprus. There is a range of origins for students in the south but my impression and it is only an impression is that it is not quite so diverse. Equally I beleive that the main language of instruction in all (?) (most ?) Cyprus universities, north and south, is English.

Crossing between south and north is no problem for US citizens. I'd encourage you to do so, the more interaction and learning the better. Igorance is the enemy of trust and the friend of fear. Being a student - especially an exchange/visiting student - is about overcoming ignorance. The US embassy has a number of initiatives, including educational projects, encouraging collaboration and exchange between ordinary folks - what they like to call 'civil society' projects - north and south.

The snakes question : good to have the opportunity to discuss the amazing fauna (and flora) of Cyprus ! There are a few species of snake in Cyprus - about ten or eleven. These are :

the Western whip snake; large whip snake; leopard snake, ladder snake, grass snake, smooth snake, southern smooth snake, Montpelier snake, asp viper, nose-horned viper and the slow worm.

The only venomous ones - that is, of worry to human beings - are, I believe, the two vipers listed. However, the habitat of all of these snakes has been seriously encroached and their numbers are declining and so are now largely restricted (as you'd expect) to rural, agricultural and mountain environments. If you go marching through the maquis countryside especially in breeding season you may inadvertently disturb them in which case they may become aggressive. Otherwise, the old adage applies, if you don't threaten them, they won't threaten you. Having said all that, Cyprus snakes are kids' play compared with Texan snakes.

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Postby theodore » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:22 pm

i hope this nice lady will visit northern cyprus and she can prove how lier and rascist u are.[/quote]

I am not racist if i was my girl will never married to African American who we love very much and our grandchildren.... you divided Cyprus but you can not divided America with you racism second i am not lying i have photos of the rental car which was beaten in the north i will post the picture so you can see them when the court is over.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:32 pm

theodore wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
LENA wrote:

I know what you mean but really i didnt know that is offensive to call them colored. I really appreciate your lesson and your commnets are always welcome

By the way you are allowed to call me anything Kikapu :wink: but not all the above you wrote :oops:

I would never call you anything bad Lena. Natty can testify on my behalf, that I treat ladies with love and respect. :wink:

These are good information to teach the kids in school, so that when they grow up and visit the USA, they will know what to say.

The other No No is, calling the Native Americans "Indians or American Indians" even though it is commonly used. But if you ever meet Native Americans face to face, do not refer to them as "Indians". These are white mans labels given to these great warriors.

Oh by the way, the word "whitey" is also offensive to the whites, which how some blacks call the whites in the States.

I know, you are saying to yourself, "my god, Political Correctness has gone crazy". :lol: :lol:

Very good also Lena if you call a black person collard in the States this will call you white trash as is much white paper trash in the streets in same states just some info....

Actually Theodore, Blacks often do not use the term "White Trash" towards Whites, but it is the Whites who use the term "white trash" on other Whites. The other term would be "Trailer Trash". It is a "put down" on those in the lower economic ladder as well as their lifestyle and lower education, as having no "Class" at all. They are depicted to be to sister screwing, 1st cousin marrying individuals, who lack morals and proper upbringings, whether they are true or not, it's just the way they are viewed by other Whites with better economic standings..

Blacks of the lower economic ladder and education and as well as lower living standards would call other Blacks of the same situation "Niggers" or a "Ho" ( Whore). It is "street talk" or "trash talk", but your everyday Blacks are different than the above and this kind of "Trash Talk" should never be made by a White Person towards any Blacks, no matter what their economic or social standings are for both the Blacks and the Whites.
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Postby LENA » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:34 pm

Kikapu wrote:I would never call you anything bad Lena. Natty can testify on my behalf, that I treat ladies with love and respect. :wink:

These are good information to teach the kids in school, so that when they grow up and visit the USA, they will know what to say.

The other No No is, calling the Native Americans "Indians or American Indians" even though it is commonly used. But if you ever meet Native Americans face to face, do not refer to them as "Indians". These are white mans labels given to these great warriors.

Oh by the way, the word "whitey" is also offensive to the whites, which how some blacks call the whites in the States.

I know, you are saying to yourself, "my god, Political Correctness has gone crazy". :lol: :lol:

I never thought that you were something less than a great gentleman. But what have you done to Natty...she is been away for a long time...

I knew about the Indians from another friend that been to USA. And of course the whitey thing for whites...I usually use it to tease my friends. No offence. Some times I use the words that generally annoys people to tease freinds :oops:

As for the Political Corrections let them coming if you know more. I love to learn things and of course things that will help me to stay
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Postby LENA » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:38 pm

Mills Chapman wrote:Lena,

I might have been over the top in telling Magazine to not use TRNC, etc., but I hoped in doing so that he wouldn't run into any problems with a small minority of GCs who might be very, very offended (and possibly angry) with something he said accidentally or innocently. It happened to me a couple of times when I was in Cyprus in 2003.

I'm glad you made it back to the homeland safely from the UK. 8) 8)

Hey Mills! How are you?

I dont think that people this days will insult you or kill you or be aggressive because you didnt know or you misunderstood.

I didnt kill you up to now have I?? :wink:

Yes i am alright and trying to find time to record some audio files...but not been lucky yet. :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:47 pm

LENA wrote:
I never thought that you were something less than a great gentleman. But what have you done to Natty...she is been away for a long time...

Thanks for the compliments Lena. :wink:

Natty and I have a very special relationship, which is often on the "back burner" simmering at a very low heat, but the temperature is constantly rising. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It may even go as high as 99.9°C in the future. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby LENA » Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:35 pm

makazine wrote:(Any one can answer this) In your opinion, what are the best places to visit in Cyprus. What is a nice place to have fun, and are there clubs and stuff like that? What Kind of music do y'all listen to? Pop, hip-hop, rock, indie, classical? I know this is a weird question, but are there a lot of snakes in Nicosia?

Magazine what are you interested most. Do you want to see archeological stuff, historical stuff, nice beaches and mountain views (by the way we dont have that much green but we do have lovely beaches), waterfalls, social places? Do you like crowded places or quite places?

As for music...well of course Greek music is everywhere but most of the clubs here play pop and R&B. You can find places with classic music like some piano bars or lounge bars with chill out music which include Indian sounds. Hip-hop is mostly heard from radios and other cds but never heard about a place that play hip-hop. Also rock is popular as well, but not hard rock...and we have places with live rock music but most of the songs are Greek. Also Greek sounds and oriental are the most popular around here. Lots of small places with Greek music, rebetica, oriental etc.etc.

By the way in the middle of the centre and your college is the Scorpios club which gets many black people. Also American embasy is very close to your college.

When are you coming here Magazine?
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Postby LENA » Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:43 pm

theodore wrote:
Come on Lena go to the North and tell them they approach this problem of Cyprus in a wrong way and they live there illegally and you will find out what Mills is talking about. Mills is only trying to save our bro.

Theodore my dear, North is not that dangerous as you think but yes shit happens and according to your story shit happened to you. Sorry about that. But I was talking about Cypriots in general and Universities in the occupied areas and not what is going on there. That is a political discussion which I dont want to go through in this section. Just to let you know I have been to North and people treated me really good and helped me a lot. Halil was one of the TC that helped most of all. If he was not there to help me I dont know what I was going to do. He is a great gentleman and be careful with what you say. And I am sure Mills knows what i was all about.

By the way magazine is a girl.
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Postby LENA » Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:45 pm

theodore wrote:... but it is an illegal state have you forgot this Lena?

Re Theodore dont drive me crazy....did you see anywhere that I said it is not? Of course its an illegal state. To me and to the rest of the world. The point here is that the Unies degrees are recognized and the recognition was not given by me.
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Postby LENA » Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:50 pm

Kikapu wrote:Thanks for the compliments Lena. :wink:

Natty and I have a very special relationship, which is often on the "back burner" simmering at a very low heat, but the temperature is constantly rising. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It may even go as high as 99.9°C in the future. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Erm someone is having fun outside the forum... :lol:
Since you two talk a lot please tell her not to forget us and that we miss her a lot.

By the way does Miltiades knows about that??? :wink: Kidding
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