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Questions About Cyprus from a Student

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Postby makazine » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:11 am

Is Nicosia very diverse? GC, TC, white, black, asian etc. How safe is it?
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Postby Mills Chapman » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:32 am

Hi Makazine,

I'm a fellow American who has been to Nicosia. There aren't a lot of African-Americans (or Black people in general) in Nicosia. I don't know how that translates into safety for you. If I were you, I would pick up the Rough Guide to Cyprus - ... 651&sr=8-1 - as well as Lonely Planet's phrasebook for Greek. I would focus more on learning some Greek phrases than on learning Turkish phrases. Also, try learning a bit about the "Cyprus problem" before you come. If you fly into Larnaca and do not cross the buffer zone (the Green Line), refer to the north as the "illegal occupation" to everyone you meet. They will mostly be Cypriots of Greek descent and will appreciate your choice of wording, and in turn, will build more rapport with you. Whatever you do, don't refer to the north as "Northern Cyprus" (with a capital "N"), the TRNC, or the "so-called TRNC." Just say the "illegal occupation in the north" with passion and you will score major points with most of the local people you meet.

Saying "the TRNC" or "the other Cyprus" is about as offensive to most of the Cypriots you will meet as saying "nigger" is to an African-American.

I'm in Philly right now, so pm me if you need to talk before you go. It's a domestic call.

Also, be careful: Cyprus is pricey for us. More expensive than Greece or Turkey.
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Postby raymanuva » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:33 am

I don't think there is an issue with black/white in here but Cypriots usually look at people from abroad as "aliens" and most of the time from the "step above"... personal experience, but i got really good at knocking them down now since i got quite fluent in Greek. The only Black students we had in our college were from Cameroon and there was 1 from Nigeria... we used to hang out with Cameroon guys. I don't recall any racist behavior except from some Chinese guys... no idea why :D can u explain? :) But since you are an American Black dude, i think u are in for some good i think go ahead mate u will get a lot of white russian pussiay.
:D :D
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:54 am

its very safe.. ppl from allover the world.. ull meet alot of ppl from where u are also....

going to the north for education... how good is that going into an illigal state for college? :/ i mean getting a degree from a north part of cyprus that no one in the world but turkey recognises.. how good can that be for u?

also the colleges are turning into unis now the inter college ....cyprus college i go to the cyprus college so if u need any help pm or ask here i will tell you anything u might need to know very nice place.
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Postby LENA » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:25 pm

Cyprus College is the most international college we have here in Nicosia. Most of the students there are foreigners. But is not true that Cypriot colleges do not have any Cypriot students. Cyprus College is one of the 3 best colleges in Cyprus and in my opinion the second one. You do not have a dress code to attend to the classes. You dress up as you want and wear anything you want. Especially if you hang around with international students you will see that anything is fine. Most Cypriots students at the moment do care about fashion but do not dress weird or different than other people. As for the shoes is up to you really...most students wear trainers and now during summer Summer shoes ... but all kind of shoes are fine here.

As for the food...people gave you the wrong impression I guess...yes Nicosia is full of McDonalds, Fridays, KFC, Goodies, Burger King and lots of other fast food. But we have nice restaurants lots of kebab places and cheap ones...Chinese food, Japanese food, Lebanese food, lots of Italian restaurants, Mexican food every single taste you will find it.

Comparing with what i used to pay in UK food is a lot cheaper here in Cyprus than there. I dont really know the prices in Texas but foreigners usually say that Cyprus is an expensive one. I didnt see anywhere cheaper coffee apart from my house so its up to you to decide. We do have Costa coffee and Starbucks if those are your preferences, but local coffee shops are better in my opinion.

In my opinion I think you will not have any problem if you are black...we do have people in Nicosia that are colored but most of them works for UN. I have met some of them :wink: and they were good looking too. Nicosia and generally Cyprus is safe if you are not looking for troubles and I hope you know what i mean with that.

A small tip makazine...your college is turning into private Uni soon so it is a very good choice there. May I ask what are you going to study there?

Welcome to the forum makazine
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Postby LENA » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:25 pm

Dear Mills I think from what you said to poor guy you scared him instead of help him...we are not like that you know. We do not expect everyone to know what is going on with the Cyprus problem...and we do not kill people because they didnt say occupied areas...Come on give us some credit.
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Postby LENA » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:26 pm

Paliometoxo do you know anything about the Universities in the occupied areas or you just wanted air in your mouth my dear? Let me educate you a bit about that since is my project. They get recognition all over the world either we want it or not.

If you need more try to learn more or come back to me.
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:31 pm

no i dont.. which is why i put lots of question marks.. but how can a uni on a illigal state be any good to get a degree there?;)
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Postby makazine » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:34 pm

paliometoxo wrote:going to the north for education... how good is that going into an illigal state for college? :/ i mean getting a degree from a north part of cyprus that no one in the world but turkey recognises.. how good can that be for u?

I think Cyprus College is in Nicosia, the legal part of Cypus, not the illegally occupied northern part of Cyprus. Also, I am a very tall black girl. How does that translate for me??? I suppose you might not see a lot of black girls in Cyprus?

how is the public transportation system? and is Nicosia a good place to walk around? (from house to school and stuff like that?)
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:34 pm

the last person i spoke to who was studying in the north said if he knew cyprus was split in two he would of never gone to the north,.. which is why i said that.. it doesent make sense an illigal state being able to have a uni thats recognised and you can go and pass and have a degree.. thats good that you can though..
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