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Health/Diet column in the Cyprus Weekly

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Health/Diet column in the Cyprus Weekly

Postby ecpersonals » Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:39 pm

Is it only me or has anyone else noticed that the weekly Diet/Health column is just cut and paste from internet sources?

It's beens months now that i have noticed... take any parapgraphs of this week's article and put in google and see for you self :-)

Now i don't mind the CW buying in articles, or letting specialists contribute to the paper, i just mind that the 'author' is claiming it as her own and getting exposure for her site/business.
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Postby devil » Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:25 am

Plagiarism is made easy by the Internet. Ask any kid who has copied a project for schoolwork and got 0 for it because the teacher is smarter than (s)he is.
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Postby paliometoxo » Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:51 pm

ppl eating to much food in cy everyone is fat.. espesially tyounger oneseat nothing but mc donalds
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Postby LENA » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:06 pm

Cypriots eat a lot and thats a fact paliometoxo...and we do have problem in Cyprus about overweighted people. But this didnt came from McDonalds. Its our traditions...the kebabs, the oil, the sauces and generally our traditional food contain lots of fat. Also the amount of food is big as well. If you compare the amount of food we serve in our tables with other cultures you will see that. And some of our customs like the grandmother that put more food in hers grandchild plate just to grow if he/she eat a bit less wont grow up!

Anyway the thread here is about plagiarism and not Cypriots being overweighted. Journalist and academic who copy others works without their permission or quoting the real authors names as well should give up from the profession.
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