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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:43 pm

but it won't solve the CY problem. the CG will still hate the TC, and the TC will still hate the GC, and with the americans hiding in nuclear bunkers with their cars, there will be no policing the mayhem that will happen in CY.
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Postby Chimera » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:55 pm

GG you may have hit the nail on the head. :lol:

If Americans are policing the world, are they responsible for the mess. :wink:

The only real test maight be to see how the world copes without the American policing.

Methinks it might be a quiter place at least. :)
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:59 pm

lets just hope you never have to find out, Chimera.
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Postby devil » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:05 pm

Bloody hell, GG! Here you go again about hate, hate, hate, your pet theme. Please give it a rest will you?

In any case, you're quite wrong, 100% wrong. GCs and TCs do NOT hate each other. If you knew the slightest thing about the situation, you would not make such inflammatory remarks. And, if the US had stayed in their bunkers in 1974, they would not have been able to supply Turkey with the arms they needed to cause the mayhem that did happen in that year. Perhaps it does not occur to you that most countries, Cyprus included, do not need US policing, which means sticking their big nebs into affairs that do not concern them.

Admin/Moderator, GG has provocatively changed this thread into a CypProb one with her misconceptions and hatred. Please move or block it.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:08 pm

i just call 'em like i see 'em.
and i have been seeing alot of threads about how the other side is wrong.
you don't like hearing what the outsider percieves, devil?
why do call yourself "devil" anyway? is it all about love?
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Postby alexISS » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:11 pm

Just give the US citizens European oil prices and then you'll see what "mayhem" means...
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Postby Helen & David » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:21 pm

devil wrote:e) I get £700 subsidy from the government

sorry to butt in off topic but may I ask what this subsidy is? ..... we're arriving in Cyprus soon and will be purchasing a car there

thanks, Helen
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Postby devil » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:43 pm

Owners of new hybrid cars who are registered EU citizens on the island can claim a £700 subsidy from the government. It is, as usual, a fairly bureaucratic procedure. When you buy the car, the dealer gives you a form which is signed and you have to take it physically to a difficult-to-find office in Nicosia, along with the car registration papers and papers from the immigration office. Some 2-3 months later, you should receive a cheque for 700 spondulaks (still waiting for mine!)
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Postby Helen & David » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:46 pm

thanks for clarifying that Devil
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Postby devil » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:48 pm

GorillaGal wrote:Devil--
i just call 'em like i see 'em.
and i have been seeing alot of threads about how the other side is wrong.
you don't like hearing what the outsider percieves, devil?
why do call yourself "devil" anyway? is it all about love?

You need new glasses, if you see the GCs and TCs hating each other. Neither side likes the situation as it is, nor the perceived policies of the other side, but this is not your pet racial hatred. Cyprus is the Island of Love, not hate. If there is any dislike on this island, it is as a result of the interference in the sovereign rights of the Cypriots by the intransigent regimes of other countries.

Anyway, you are living in an ignorant ivory tower, your only claim to knowledge of the island being your short relationship with a Cypriot ex-boy friend. Until you have lived here for several months, I don't believe you can have the faintest idea of what Cyprus is all about.

Would you believe that I saw turcophone and hellenophone Cypriots frequenting the same coffee shop, playing tavli together, every day, sharing drinks and cigarettes? Is this what you mean by your imagined hatred?


You see this small pic? This is Peristerona church, one of the best examples of Byzantine architecture on the island. It is in a small village 20 km or so W of Nicosia. What do you see to the left of it? Yes, it is the minaret of the village mosque, not 50 metres distant. Would it surprise you to know that there is a large Turkish mosque within about 100 m of the church where the body of St Lazarus was entombed after his second death, in the very Greek Larnaca? They co-exist peacefully as they have done for centuries. Would it surprise you to know that Islam's third holiest site is just 3 or 4 km from Larnaca centre? This is it:


Does this show any signs of intolerance?

Devil has been my nickname for many decades, even long before I first came to this island in 1952.
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