It never ceases to amaze me how even the simplest stories are misreported, gross distortions and embellishments introduced, and fanciful extrapolations produced.
This is how the BBC actually reported what Eliko then fantasised about :
"He [Chief Constable of Gloucesterhire] warned residents not to use water bowsers with broken seals after one incident of a person urinating into a container."
See the case of one person allegedly pissing into one tank with a broken seal is translated by Eliko into '...drinking water which has been supplied to the the areas of the UK....' and he concludes from this that "what has happened to the society that was once the envy of the world" ?
Let's just add what Gloucestershire Police went on to say, (my emphasis)
"Gloucestershire Police said anyone caught causing criminal damage to bowsers, or causing public disorder at water points, would be dealt with "robustly" and could expect a custodial sentence.
However, Chief Constable Brain said there had been few reports of such incidents.
So, not quite the end of civilisation as we know it.
The trouble is, for Eliko, the real story is much less exciting, in fact pretty unremarkable, than the apocalyptic vision he'd painted.
Ho hum, just another day of fantastical misreporting I suppose.