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Personal attacks

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What should be done with ad hominem attackers?

Nothing, let them rant away using foul language
Ban them on the spot
Warn once, then ban them on second occasion
Warn once, suspend for 2 weeks 2nd time, ban 3rd time
Suspend for 2 weeks 1st time, ban 2nd time
Suspend for 2 weeks each time
Let admin's punishment fit the crime
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Personal attacks

Postby devil » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:13 pm

There has been a substantial increase of ad hominem attacks between a minority of members over recent weeks. Personally, I feel that these make for unpleasant reading and I try to avoid threads where this bad behaviour has taken place.

If some of the epithets employed were in a public establishment, fists (or worse) would be flying. I believe it is wrong to hide behind the anonymity of an Internet forum to insult one another without risk of a fistful of fingers bloodying your nose.

The forum rules are quite clear: "Personal attacks are not allowed - Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully without insult and personal attack." Unfortunately, the admin and moderators are lax in tolerating personal attacks, including those with foul language.

It would be interesting to see whether others are of like mind.
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Postby CopperLine » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:00 pm

I agree entirely with you. I've only recently joined this forum - and I've participated on many other fora over the years with highly contentious, even more bitterly fought politics than the Cyprus problem, but I've never witnessed the level of personal abuse, effing and blinding that I've seen on this Forum. It is frankly unbelievable what people say to each other and it is utterly counter-productive and a deterrent to more people participating in the forum. (I have to say though that I don't really know what the rest of the Forum is like, away from the Politics topics).

I don't mind forceful views, it is to be expected in political discussions - so I'm not sure what constitutes a 'personal attack', but if it means ad hominem and uses abusive language then I'm with you.
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Re: Personal attacks

Postby dinos » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:13 pm

devil wrote:There has been a substantial increase of ad hominem attacks between a minority of members over recent weeks. Personally, I feel that these make for unpleasant reading and I try to avoid threads where this bad behaviour has taken place.

If some of the epithets employed were in a public establishment, fists (or worse) would be flying. I believe it is wrong to hide behind the anonymity of an Internet forum to insult one another without risk of a fistful of fingers bloodying your nose.

The forum rules are quite clear: "Personal attacks are not allowed - Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully without insult and personal attack." Unfortunately, the admin and moderators are lax in tolerating personal attacks, including those with foul language.

It would be interesting to see whether others are of like mind.

Devil, your assessment of the behavior (bold) that impels the personal attacks is spot-on. It's flat-out techno-balls and the people that do it should be ashamed of themselves.

IMO, I selected "Warn once, suspend for 2 weeks 2nd time, ban 3rd time." I tend to not favor the no tolerance approach as someone can be having a bad day, etc. At some level, the board has to become self-policing, but when there are flagrant and repeated violations of the rules, it's best for everyone when the admins take charge.

The reason for your poll is understood. That said, there's nothing more pathetic than for one member to post "I told admin on you!" :lol: :lol: :lol: Makes me laugh every time.

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Postby Eliko » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:15 pm

I think Admin should deal with such matters as and when they occur, despite the fact that some members DO resort to foul language and name calling, they may still have some valid opinions and are entitled to air them.

I would add that (in matters of respect), we should all observe the basic principles of decency as every one of us is entitled to expect it from our peers, none of us are qualified to insult the leaders of other nations, regardless of our personal opinions of their policies.

In my humble opinion. :D
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Postby devil » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:51 pm

Eliko wrote:none of us are qualified to insult the leaders of other nations, regardless of our personal opinions of their policies.

If people are in the public eye, we can certainly criticise their political views, no matter their nationality, but we can do it politely, without insulting their personality, IMHO. Just the same as people on this forum may have views worthy of polite criticism, without attacking them.

However, criticism of political views should be, IMHO, restricted to the political boards.

My personal view of this forum is that the admin will react to infringements of his own rules only on complaint. I would like to see less of a laissez-faire attitude. A little proactivity by the admin and moderators would work wonders!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:15 pm

devil wrote:My personal view of this forum is that the admin will react to infringements of his own rules only on complaint. I would like to see less of a laissez-faire attitude. A little proactivity by the admin and moderators would work wonders!

I’ve felt for some time that the board is under-moderated I’m afraid…

Not only the attacks that you mention but posts are left all over the place. Consequently the various sections of the board have little meaning.

Personally I think the board needs a ‘Moving to Cyprus?’ section where all the useful information (there are thousands and thousands of useful words) could be stored with a big Sticky that says ‘use the search function first’. Newcomers would know where to go to bet their questions answered then… All the chit-chat could be in a separate, um chit-chat section.

Then the moderators should move posts that are in the wrong place and keep an eye on those that view their fellow posters as ‘combatants’.
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Postby Sotos » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:23 pm

If some of the epithets employed were in a public establishment, fists (or worse) would be flying.

In Cyprus we have the worst. We have war with the Turkish army! They are allowed to occupy my property and I am not allowed to tell them what I think of them? :roll:

even more bitterly fought politics than the Cyprus problem

for example?
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:28 pm

this is a good survey, having been the recipient of some evil, foul and immature comments. do you think it will make any difference?
i say three strikes, your out!
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:40 pm

I think that the moderators do quite well, I was the victim of a malicious poll based on lies accusing me of being a racist, this was never sustantiated and the poll was quite correctly withdrawn by the moderator.
One of the participants of this particular incident/poll (which had a very vulgar title) is taking part in this thread right now.
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Postby karma » Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:04 pm

Let Karma handle them :)))
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