EPSILON wrote:LENA wrote:I guess doesnt matter that much how they type the Greeklish because even Cypriot dont type correct in Greeklish.
What really matters is that they manage to learn the language...showing us that they respect us and the country they live in and tried to learn our language and even our dialect....what i was discussing earlier with a "Charlie" friend of mine (Sorry Hazza couldnt hold my self on that

) was that they get confused with the two words for the same thing one in Greek and one in Cypriot...and most British Cypriots learn the Cypriots words because is what they hear everyday and then they get confused when they hear the Greek word.
In order Gcs avoiding confusion they must start speak what they learn in scholl.-Threir language and not a bastard dialog including all nations words
You must be kidding me right?
First of all who said to you that GC get confused with their language? When they speak they speak in Cypriot dialect, When they want to talk polite/formal or write something formal or do paper work they use Greek. Why we should ignore our special dialect? Its the language of our grandparents and its a really nice one.
By the way we know that Cypriot include word from lots of other language like Turkish, English, Italian etc That is because of our history which we are proud of it. We are proud of our island our traditions and our language. So why should we change that? We know how to write and talk and read proper Greek if we want or we have to and we dont get confused.
But I have a question for you...you said "their". What are you (if you dont mind to answer)?