Her house was supposed to be finished 5 months ago, but they still have no electricity, they have been given many excuses from the developer as to why it has not been done, earlier in the year it was down to the weather, then strikes by the electricity company etc.
Now she has a letter from her solicitor stating the following:
1) Electricity. We have been told by the Developer that the mains electricity is not yet connected. Apparently he said that 2-3 owners did not give consent and the matter is now with the District Office. So that you can understand what this means I will analyse the process below:
An application for electricity is made for a new property. If the property is within the existing network covered by the Electricity Authority (EAC) then this is ok things will be done they will follow their processes etc. However, when a plot is not within the existing covered network, this means that the network has to be enlarged to include that plot.
In order to enlarge the network the EAC need consent from the relevant owners of land as new electricity posts will have to be put in place. If they do not have these consents they then forward the application to the District Office to get the missing consents by compulsion.
The District office require 15-20 days to process the compulsory consents and then the file goes back to the EAC to carry on with the connection process.
2) The Developer has said that if you like he can get you on temporary supply.
Has anybody else suffered this problem? She is due to move out on the 15 August, would it be realistic to think that the electricity(not temporary) will be connected by this date?
Here in the UK if people oppose such things, it takes ages to sort out. Is it normal in Cyprus to get consents by compulsion? I don't really understand this, why bother to ask for consent if you are going to over ride it!!!!!