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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:35 pm

the VW? not always but cant be a bad thing heh..

crystal clear Lena! heh no unfortunatly it was not a ferrari Reach ( i think u mean rich ) Girl.not that i am rich... you see alot of ferraris in town down in nicosia though..

ahh your 22 nice... yes i guess we do have the same kind of humor ;)

your 22 and your teaching? what do you teach?

i was going to go for work at the british council but you need to be able to speak turkish greek and english... the greek and english are ok but i dont think i will ever learn turkish.. but the jobs are good pay.

btw its " nai agapi mou" ;p i dont like saying mana mou much.
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Postby LENA » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:51 pm

paliometoxo wrote:the VW? not always but cant be a bad thing heh..

crystal clear Lena! heh no unfortunatly it was not a ferrari Reach ( i think u mean rich ) Girl.not that i am rich... you see alot of ferraris in town down in nicosia though..

ahh your 22 nice... yes i guess we do have the same kind of humor ;)

your 22 and your teaching? what do you teach?

i was going to go for work at the british council but you need to be able to speak turkish greek and english... the greek and english are ok but i dont think i will ever learn turkish.. but the jobs are good pay.

btw its " nai agapi mou" ;p i dont like saying mana mou much.

Being VW is a good think...he post when he need to with good stuff :wink: Just teasing you.

Yes sorry I meant rich that was a fast reply ... and sometime I do this kind of English are not as 300% perfect as yours :lol:

Now I am not teaching but learning but I used to teach before I go to UK. Somewhere I read that you are at Uni so better get that degree done and then try to get the job in he council if you are interested.

As for the cars...yes you do see lots of Mercedes, BMW, lotus and Ferrari and other expensive cars but I guess I am not that rich to have one of them...if you have any extra that you dont want please contact with me. :wink:

We agree on one thing...dont like nai mana mou either :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:08 pm

your a tease ;;p i like that

its ok i do that alot to, make mistakes when i am in a rush.. lots of typos even when i am not. Your english doesent need to be 300% perfect we all make mistakes ( typos ) no matter how good our english is. One day maybe you will see why its 300% good.

ah you went to the uk also? how long where you there for? my cousin is in manchester now studying he was lokajis.. sniper i think that is? he hates england.. how did you find it?

Yes i will finish get that degree, without a degree you wont get any good job. but them kind of jobs having to know turkish also. i doubt i will ever learn turkish.

and yes with the cars.. i like ferrari very much but i am not that rich either ;p ferrari they cost £160,000 for the cheaper models. sure pe m Til sou and i will ;p

Excellent we agree on one thing :D
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Postby LENA » Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:52 pm

paliometoxo wrote:your a tease ;;p i like that

its ok i do that alot to, make mistakes when i am in a rush.. lots of typos even when i am not. Your english doesent need to be 300% perfect we all make mistakes ( typos ) no matter how good our english is. One day maybe you will see why its 300% good.

ah you went to the uk also? how long where you there for? my cousin is in manchester now studying he was lokajis.. sniper i think that is? he hates england.. how did you find it?

Yes i will finish get that degree, without a degree you wont get any good job. but them kind of jobs having to know turkish also. i doubt i will ever learn turkish.

and yes with the cars.. i like ferrari very much but i am not that rich either ;p ferrari they cost £160,000 for the cheaper models. sure pe m Til sou and i will ;p

Excellent we agree on one thing :D

Yes I am a teaser...cannot help it.

Well UK is not the best place for Cypriots since we are used to a different kind of things and level of life. Also we are used to different weather and UK's weather can be depressing. But if you have good company and you are open minded I guess you can have great fun there as well. UK gives you the opportunity to travel easily as well. Lots of green and beautiful castles and cathedrals to see. The food and the rhythm of life is not the same but I guess you can handle it for few years if its needed.

Never say never. Why you say you will not learn Turkish? You are not able if you are stupid or not willing.

As for my number I said when you have that extra car and you want to get rid of it I will give you my number. For now...I guess it will only cause me trouble. Dont want 400 text in a week :lol: :wink: Sorry teasing again :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:12 pm

no matter its good to be that way...

Yes what cypriots are used to is alot different plus the weather as you say its always raining while here its 43 degrees... it can be depressing, the land of no sun.. the only thing uk is good for is work and money, like america... and mostly in manchester london and cambridge is full of cypriots anyway and ellines... from england you can drive to france i did a few times its nice. lots of things to see espesially if you drive to london and further north to liverpool. after a few years you get used to it, new places need time to adjust and get used to your new surroundings...

Learn turkish? i have no need to learn turkish it not a language i would like to know how to speak or understand :)

I do have 3 extra cars take your pick ;D trouble me? never! :D not just 400 but 1000 text a week! LOL just kidding im not that bad... maybe 1 or 2 txt a week..
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Postby pantheman » Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:36 am

paliometoxo wrote:no matter its good to be that way...

Yes what cypriots are used to is alot different plus the weather as you say its always raining while here its 43 degrees... it can be depressing, the land of no sun.. the only thing uk is good for is work and money, like america... and mostly in manchester london and cambridge is full of cypriots anyway and ellines... from england you can drive to france i did a few times its nice. lots of things to see espesially if you drive to london and further north to liverpool. after a few years you get used to it, new places need time to adjust and get used to your new surroundings...

Learn turkish? i have no need to learn turkish it not a language i would like to know how to speak or understand :)

I do have 3 extra cars take your pick ;D trouble me? never! :D not just 400 but 1000 text a week! LOL just kidding im not that bad... maybe 1 or 2 txt a week..

Maybe you and lena should get a room, koumbare as they say. Its starting to get heavvvyyyy. :wink:

Paliometoxo, if you want to ask her something personal, just pm her mate, theres no way she is gonna respond in front of 3000 members. Hade na thoume !

Do you even know what a pm is ?

:?: :?:
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:09 am

simonwjones wrote:Just a pointless post to get me to 1000 posts!

Congrats Simonwjones! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:11 am

pantheman wrote:Do you even know what a pm is ? :?: :?:

Pre-menstrual? 8)
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:14 am

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Postby LENA » Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:43 am

paliometoxo wrote:no matter its good to be that way...

Yes what cypriots are used to is alot different plus the weather as you say its always raining while here its 43 degrees... it can be depressing, the land of no sun.. the only thing uk is good for is work and money, like america... and mostly in manchester london and cambridge is full of cypriots anyway and ellines... from england you can drive to france i did a few times its nice. lots of things to see espesially if you drive to london and further north to liverpool. after a few years you get used to it, new places need time to adjust and get used to your new surroundings...

Learn turkish? i have no need to learn turkish it not a language i would like to know how to speak or understand :)

I do have 3 extra cars take your pick ;D trouble me? never! :D not just 400 but 1000 text a week! LOL just kidding im not that bad... maybe 1 or 2 txt a week..

So Paliometoxo you sound like you lived in UK or been there quite a lot. But at the beginning you said that you havent. Whats wrong with you? Do have a crisis with your second ID? :wink: Try to agree with who you are and where have you been. First you said you havent been there and then you said you have made the trip from UK to France few times... :roll: :roll: :roll:

If you are Cypriot, as you claim, Turkish is the 3rd official language so I gave you the need to learn them. Try them are really nice if you start....especially the love words :wink:

As for the you are a rich boy...having 3 cars just for nothing! As for the texts...well I am from the kind of women that dont want 1000 text per week but I prefer to tell me what you want by looking my eyes. And 1-2 per week is like you ignore my existence :lol: ... I know I know....pfff women nobody can understand them right??? :wink:
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