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Questions Women Should Never Ask Men!

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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:44 pm

LENA wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:LoL sweet... i used to liek soccerr but i never do.. the girls here all of them love football ( soccerr ) and go to the matches..... i duno about the other sports but my friend i went with her to a match even though i hate them and they shout throw things and cry when their team loses.. lucky i got in free omonoia against apoel.. and of course apoel wone 3 - 1 and people where throwing things shouting beating eachother up over football :s this one man and his son where beaten up when they went.. actually i think it was just his dad but just imagine ur a 10 yr old kid and some idiots beat ur dad up infront of u and u cant do ANTHING.. over football wtf?

Its so sad what is been happening the last few years in our football matches...beating up people, insulting each other...even killing each other...and dont give a damn if kids are there :(

yes very sad... it fotball xaras to prama ( so what ) i dont see how they could go so crazy over a team... it happens... what to do?

as long as you dont have a shirt or scarf or something fromt he otherside then your ok they dont know which team your supporting..

and the other half cry and dont want to talk to anyone... like babies
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:48 pm

me either but who cares if its up or down.. makes no difference..
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Postby simonwjones » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:36 pm

One question women shouldn't ask men

"what time did you get in last night" They still ask this when they no the answer.

W - "what time did you get in last night"
M - "around 11 o'clock love"
W - "no it wasnt, it was 3am"

Do you know what I mean?
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:16 pm

heh not sure about that one, if i was married id only go out with the wife ;p
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Postby villawagen » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:23 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby greek.god » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:07 am

paliometoxo wrote:LoL sweet... i used to liek soccerr but i never do.. the girls here all of them love football ( soccerr ) and go to the matches..... i duno about the other sports but my friend i went with her to a match even though i hate them and they shout throw things and cry when their team loses.. lucky i got in free omonoia against apoel.. and of course apoel wone 3 - 1 and people where throwing things shouting beating eachother up over football :s this one man and his son where beaten up when they went.. actually i think it was just his dad but just imagine ur a 10 yr old kid and some idiots beat ur dad up infront of u and u cant do ANTHING.. over football wtf?

While we've had a few incidents of unruly fans in the U.S. it is not too the degree it is in Europe. As far as crying after your team looses, I've come close. :oops:
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Postby greek.god » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:10 am

LENA wrote:Greek.God...are you sure you have married or date the right women? Paliometoxo? I guess you are a guy and you are in the same list with dating the wrong women...well I agree in some points...some women are crazy ... like the toilet want it up we want it down ... so fix it as you want it but dont pee ON the toilet seat or around the toilet/floor but IN the toilet...use at least one part of your body correctly :p :lol: Ok I was nasty there but guys talk to your girl/wife...dont just say "yes honey" or "nai mana mou" (as VW does :wink: ) talk discuss what is bothering you and come to some agreements...each of you has to step back from some things.

Anyway Thanks Greek.God I laughed a lot with the above...


Yes I married the right woman. Before I got married I had the whole house to myself, after marriage, I've been relegated to one room. :roll:
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Postby LENA » Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:25 pm

paliometoxo wrote:
LENA wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:LoL sweet... i used to liek soccerr but i never do.. the girls here all of them love football ( soccerr ) and go to the matches..... i duno about the other sports but my friend i went with her to a match even though i hate them and they shout throw things and cry when their team loses.. lucky i got in free omonoia against apoel.. and of course apoel wone 3 - 1 and people where throwing things shouting beating eachother up over football :s this one man and his son where beaten up when they went.. actually i think it was just his dad but just imagine ur a 10 yr old kid and some idiots beat ur dad up infront of u and u cant do ANTHING.. over football wtf?

Its so sad what is been happening the last few years in our football matches...beating up people, insulting each other...even killing each other...and dont give a damn if kids are there :(

yes very sad... it fotball xaras to prama ( so what ) i dont see how they could go so crazy over a team... it happens... what to do?

as long as you dont have a shirt or scarf or something fromt he otherside then your ok they dont know which team your supporting..

and the other half cry and dont want to talk to anyone... like babies

Paliometoxo...I disagree with you said its sad...yes it is and I agree...but the way that we should think and act is not as you said "it happens...what to do?"...Do you act in every aspect like that? eg The Cyprus happens what to do...your girlfriend cheated on you ... it happens what to do...somebody killed a happens what to do... :twisted:

I dont think so. Wearing no t-shirt of a team or scarf is not a solution because someone might beat you up. We can wear whatever we want without being scared that we might be beaten up.

I learned not to hide...I avoid things that I dont want and I follow the rules. Give the right example, and if its needed report unappropriated actions.

Cry, laugh, yell, scream or whatever are emotions that express what we feel inside. If all this are not hurting anyone, dont do any harm in anyones property why not? They feel that way and its their right. Ok I am not a fun of any team and I am quite useless with football that much that my friends make fun of me on that so I dont share their emotions but I do understand that a win makes them happy as makes me happy something ridiculous for them and they cry on a loss of a game when I cry for something else. Fair enough I guess.
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Postby LENA » Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:28 pm

simonwjones wrote:One question women shouldn't ask men

"what time did you get in last night" They still ask this when they no the answer.

W - "what time did you get in last night"
M - "around 11 o'clock love"
W - "no it wasnt, it was 3am"

Do you know what I mean?

That question is a question for opening up the discussion not to get the answer they know. Also its a question just to see if you are lying to her or not...If you lie you usually have something to hide :wink:

So where was you last night between 11-3am? :wink:

Just kidding!!!
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Postby LENA » Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:31 pm

greek.god wrote:
LENA wrote:Greek.God...are you sure you have married or date the right women? Paliometoxo? I guess you are a guy and you are in the same list with dating the wrong women...well I agree in some points...some women are crazy ... like the toilet want it up we want it down ... so fix it as you want it but dont pee ON the toilet seat or around the toilet/floor but IN the toilet...use at least one part of your body correctly :p :lol: Ok I was nasty there but guys talk to your girl/wife...dont just say "yes honey" or "nai mana mou" (as VW does :wink: ) talk discuss what is bothering you and come to some agreements...each of you has to step back from some things.

Anyway Thanks Greek.God I laughed a lot with the above...


Yes I married the right woman. Before I got married I had the whole house to myself, after marriage, I've been relegated to one room. :roll:

LOL I was just teasing you...but yes with the above answer you got the right woman :wink:
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