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Barbaric Savages strike again

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Postby free_cyprus » Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:02 pm

it was not that long ago cypriots were killing each other our own people lets not forget this taking sides either here im talking about both turkish speaking and greek speaking our people cypriots
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:48 pm

What the US wants you to believe…\

Third of Iraqi children malnourished ... 61,00.html

Meet the REAL savages… ... ex_np.html

Americans profiting at the expense of millions of others… ... 06_pf.html

British tax payers paying for the…“Let’s pretend we’re the good guys” image! ... n-control/

The US/UK spend $12 billion p/month giving “love” to Iraq and Afghanistan… ... s_070730w/
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:49 pm

Humanitarian aid workers have all left Iraq faced with the savages who have shown no mercy even towards people who are there to offer help to the Iraqi people. The savages ARE responsible for all the suffering that is going on in Iraq at this moment. They did not even spare Iraqi football fans .
Here are some news :
Iraq: A nation where suicide bombing is a fact of life
By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad
Published: 18 July 2005

The favourite time for suicide bombers to strike is about nine in the morning. There is the crash of a distant explosion and the windows of my hotel room rattle in their frames. Sometimes, I go to the roof and see oily black smoke rising above the palm trees somewhere in Baghdad. No city in the world has suffered so frequently from suicide bombers. Four bombs detonated in London, but this is becoming an everyday ocurrence in Baghdad.

Last Friday, there were no fewer than 12 attacks killing at least 28 people. The studied cruelty of the bombers gets worse by the day. Last week, a man driving a car packed with explosives blew himself up beside a US Army Humvee and killed at least 18 children playing in the street. A distraught man called Qais who was mourning his children said: "I have had to move from my home because I cannot bear to look at the place where my two sons - Ali was five and Abbas was six - were playing before they died."

It seemed it could get no worse. Then on Saturday evening, a bomber with explosives strapped to his chest blew himself up beside a petrol tanker in the truck-stop town of Musayyib south of Baghdad.

The explosion incinerated people walking in the market and visiting a Shia mosque. After the bodies were taken away, there was the usual debris of charred shoes, broken bicycles and pools of dried blood. The local hospital estimated that 98 people had died and 156 were injured.

Iraqis in Baghdad concentrate on day-to-day survival. Events such as the announcement yesterday by a special tribunal that it was laying charges against Saddam Hussein is of marginal interest. The former Iraqi leader is accused of ordering the killing of 140 Shia from the village of Dujail north of Baghdad in 1982. Their murder followed an assassination attempt on Saddam. Understandably people are more interested in those who died last week and will die in the weeks to come than in the dead of 23 years ago.

In the capital, many people believe the simplest way to stay alive is not to leave home. They cut their car journeys to the minimum. The streets are much emptier than usual. Many people with money have left the country. The main meeting place for Iraqi businessmen, frightened of kidnapping as well as bombs, is the hotels of Amman in Jordan. The same is true of much of the government. Ministers are notorious for their interest in foreign travel.

Staying at home is not easy. Much of Baghdad is getting only five hours of electricity a day. People must buy fuel for their small Chinese-made generators. But queues by the petrol stations are two or three kilometres long. As people wait in their cars, they are vulnerable to bombers targeting US and Iraqi government patrols. There is a growing water shortage, forcing people on to the streets to look for supplies.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:53 pm

Now do you beleive that these savages are fighting for a just cause ?? In a petrol filling station , outside an Ice cream parlour , what is it that drives these savages to blow them selves up killing men women and little children.
It is about time that their supporters wake up and face reality. These people are perverted beyond redemption , life to them is of no value at all , they kill themselves and kill hundreds of innocents .

""""Dozens killed in Baghdad car bomb attacks
Suicide bombers have struck yet again in Iraq, killing dozens of people and wounding many more, as the country faces further political turmoil. 50 people died when a petrol tanker exploded at a filling station in west Baghdad. Earlier nearly two dozen people lost their lives when a car bomb went off outside a popular ice cream parlour in a Shi'ite area of Baghdad. Three US soldiers and one British soldier were also reported killed in the Iraqi capital. Ministers of the main Sunni Arab political bloc, dominant under Sadamm Hussein, have quit the government after demanding a greater say in security matters and the disbanding of Shi'ite militias. The Sunni Accordance Front said the Prime Minister had slammed the door on meaningful reforms needed to save Iraq. """"
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Postby Eliko » Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:12 pm

miltiades, I thought the Americans had the country under control, I understand they are now seeking the assistance of other Arab nations by offering them billions of dollars in extra aid and military equipment, WHY, they have even upped the ante with Israel, looks like they may have bitten off a bit more than they can chew.

Perhaps the 'Master Plan' is to create a civil war before they FLEE from the destruction they have caused, leaving the innocents of their foul actions to clean up the mess.

Division of the country springs to mind, wouldn't you agree Sir ?. :)
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:22 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, I thought the Americans had the country under control, I understand they are now seeking the assistance of other Arab nations by offering them billions of dollars in extra aid and military equipment, WHY, they have even upped the ante with Israel, looks like they may have bitten off a bit more than they can chew.

Perhaps the 'Master Plan' is to create a civil war before they FLEE from the destruction they have caused, leaving the innocents of their foul actions to clean up the mess.

Division of the country springs to mind, wouldn't you agree Sir ?. :)

How dare you talk ill of the... [excuse the stain on my pants] ...ROYAL BRITISH and POWERFUL AMERICAN empires!!!

Where are your royal manners boy?
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Postby Southerner » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:05 pm

Get Real! wrote:excuse the stain on my pants
Don't you mean the yellow stain down your back?
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Postby Southerner » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:14 pm

Eliko wrote:Perhaps the 'Master Plan' is to create a civil war before they FLEE from the destruction they have caused, leaving the innocents of their foul actions to clean up the mess.

Wow what mentality, what intellect.
"Come on our Muslim bretheren, today we are going to slaughter 75 innocent Muslims, men, women and children; just to get back at the coalition, this will really upset the naughty coalition", and who knows some plonkers will even blame it on the wicked, evil west.
Eliko, if you had another brain you'd have one
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Postby Southerner » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:16 pm

miltiades wrote:50 people died when a petrol tanker exploded at a filling station in west Baghdad. Earlier nearly two dozen people lost their lives when a car bomb went off outside a popular ice cream parlour in a Shi'ite area of Baghdad.

Oh the pain and the suffering caused by the coalition.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, I thought the Americans had the country under control, I understand they are now seeking the assistance of other Arab nations by offering them billions of dollars in extra aid and military equipment, WHY, they have even upped the ante with Israel, looks like they may have bitten off a bit more than they can chew.

Perhaps the 'Master Plan' is to create a civil war before they FLEE from the destruction they have caused, leaving the innocents of their foul actions to clean up the mess.

Division of the country springs to mind, wouldn't you agree Sir ?. :)

How dare you talk ill of the... [excuse the stain on my pants] ...ROYAL BRITISH and POWERFUL AMERICAN empires!!!

Where are your royal manners boy?

I'm wondering if I will be safe coming to Cyprus this Friday with pricks like you and your mates the honourable Backwater brigade , there again didn't get to 61 , looking like 41 without chewing and spitting out little shits like you son.
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