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Barbaric Savages strike again

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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:29 pm

Eliko wrote:Southerner, for a man of your age you exhibit unbelievable childishness, I will no longer respond to you as I fear you have NOTHING to teach.
You do not even have the basic sense to know that 'Only a complete fool would insult a stranger', did your Father never teach you THAT much, mine did when I was a small boy.Good evening to you Sir. :roll:

Quite correct, I have nothing to teach you. You can't educate pork.
You insult everyones intelligence with your constant anti western bile.
Only a fool such as you would comment as you did regarding who to blame for the slaughter of football supporters in Iraq.

I can just imgine in a school in Baghdad.
Teacher to 8 year old Pupil :- Why did you hit your fellow pupil.
Pupil to Teacher :- It's the coalition Sir.
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Educating Racists

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:55 pm

The program “Educating Racists” is provided free by Get Real!

(Yes, there’s been a name change to the program to accommodate them all)

Victims of suicide bombers? ... iolence_dc

US the peace maker in Africa… ... fd2ac.html

Not even the US puppet wants the US in Iraq… ... irq128.xml

US offers more “love” to Saudi Arabia… ... ref=slogin

Iraqi kids still paying the price… ... q_refugees

What do your family members cost? ... 62,00.html

Regards, GR.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:31 pm

What a desperate and pathetic attempt , but you missed out blackwater !!
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Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:40 pm

miltiades wrote:What a desperate and pathetic attempt , but you missed out blackwater !!

Am I missing something with Comical Ali's last post, maybe English is his second language, I can't see what he was trying to point out, one example:- "Not even the US puppet wants the US in Iraq" certainly didn't read like the heading Comical Ali gave it.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:07 am

Southerner wrote:Am I missing something with Comical Ali's last post,

What you’re missing is KNOWLEDGE so if you just sit quietly, keep a low profile, and start using your common sense to comprehend the articles you may well be fully awakened by the end of the year.
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:33 am

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:Am I missing something with Comical Ali's last post,

What you’re missing is KNOWLEDGE so if you just sit quietly, keep a low profile, and start using your common sense to comprehend the articles you may well be fully awakened by the end of the year.

The lights are on but nobodys home, anybody seen comical Ali's brain cell?
Mind you Comical Ali and the truth are poles apart.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:20 am

I have read the articles , they are informative but contain nothing that one can compare or justify the brutality of the savages who blow them selves up amongst innocent Iraqis going about their daily lives , be it in markets as the one on Friday , or in other public places. What I find difficult to understand is that tow members on this forum who both " on paper " appear to be in possession of a good education gained in the West , judging by their masterful knowledge of the English language , and yet they fail to see that the only people who are keeping the Americans in Iraq and in Afghanistan too , are these perverted psychopaths that they both support wholeheartedly. The fact that Iraq held elections and the vast majority of Iraqis voted for their government , which if given a chance by the savages and their supporters led by none other than Bin Laden and closely followed by our two members would gain control of the security situation and hopefully begin to establish some normality to the daily lives of the Iraqi people. Their intense hatred of the West and America in particular blinkers their vision and incapacitates all functions associated with logic and common sense. The Americans and the Brits do not want to stay a minute longer in either of these two countries , but will not stand by and see them become the hotbeds of terrorism against the West and the training grounds for Jihadis who will gladly blow them selves up in the centre of New York or London in order to become martyrs , the poor bastards , and enter heaven , an indisputable event judging by their perverted and corrupt interpretation of an otherwise peaceful religion , a religion that they have hijacked and have terrorised and it is time that more moderates of the same faith stand up and be counted .They must not allow a bunch of savages stain the good name of their faith .
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Postby Southerner » Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:25 am

miltiades wrote:I have read the articles , they are informative but contain nothing that one can compare or justify the brutality of the savages who blow them selves up amongst innocent Iraqis going about their daily lives .

I read them too, that is why I said "Am I missing something"?
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:58 pm

“US not welcome in Iraq” messages continue… ... ahmoud.php

Americans reject aggressive foreign policy… ... emID/16656

When murderers decide they’ve killed too many… ... 61,00.html

The UK “saving” Iraqi refugees! ... 816686.ece

The US “saving” Iraqi refugees!

“The greatest mass exodus of people ever in the Middle East”… ... 816666.ece
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Postby Southerner » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:“US not welcome in Iraq” messages continue… ... ahmoud.php

Americans reject aggressive foreign policy… ... emID/16656

When murderers decide they’ve killed too many… ... 61,00.html

The UK “saving” Iraqi refugees! ... 816686.ece

The US “saving” Iraqi refugees!

“The greatest mass exodus of people ever in the Middle East”… ... 816666.ece

Even without his name at the head of the post it is instantly recognisable; the same old per usual fabricated headlines bearing littler relation to what is actualy written other than the leftie rag the 'Independant'.
Take the Bombs article, the Taleban terrorists have been firing from the shelter of civilian properties using the human sheild policy of our very own Comical Alis old friend Saddam, those civilians who object are murdered along with the rest of their familys.

Could it be time that this poster received a little message from admin.
It is quite obvious that he has proved nothing other than his constant attempts to stir up trouble.
No matter how many times he is shown up he just comes back for more.
10/10 for hard neck.
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