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Barbaric Savages strike again

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Postby Eliko » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:24 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, if the people are sick, as you suggest, it is a sickness that has been imposed on them that they are suffering from.

The cure, not simple but may serve to alleviate their suffering is to leave them alone, make reparation for all the damage and destruction unlawfully imposed on them, compensate the relatives of ALL victims, apologise to the world and get the hell out of their country. :wink:
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Re: Barbaric Savages strike again

Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:So, the question Miltiades is not so much…“Why do some elements do this?”
“What happened to this country that evolved into this kind of behavior by some elements?”
..and I think we all know the answer to that.Regards, GR.

Blame the Tooth Fairy

Of course we all know the answer it is quite obvious and very simple, it was the the barbaric attack on Iran and all the years of brutal slaughter that followed including using chemical weapons, the ongoing slaughter of their own people, the horrific attack on Kuwait and the war crimes commited by the invading Iraqis, the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of the Marsh Arabs, the mass murder including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurdish population. The mass graves that are being found all over Iraq.
This all took place before the second gulf was, so-called attack on an innocent country.
So please tell us who was responsible if not the iraqis themselves; was it The Tooth Fairy?
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Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:58 pm

Eliko wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, if the people are sick, as you suggest, it is a sickness that has been imposed on them that they are suffering from.
The cure, not simple but may serve to alleviate their suffering is to leave them alone, make reparation for all the damage and destruction unlawfully imposed on them, compensate the relatives of ALL victims, apologise to the world and get the hell out of their country. :wink:

Eliko for once I agree with you are quite correct; Al Quaeda's terrorists should leave right away.
In the meantime who's going to compensate the Marsh Arabs, the Kurds, the Kuwaitis and the Iranians for what they suffered?
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Re: Barbaric Savages strike again

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:04 pm

Southerner wrote:Blame the Tooth Fairy

Of course we all know the answer it is quite obvious and very simple, it was the the barbaric attack on Iran and all the years of brutal slaughter that followed including using chemical weapons, the ongoing slaughter of their own people, the horrific attack on Kuwait and the war crimes commited by the invading Iraqis, the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of the Marsh Arabs, the mass murder including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurdish population. The mass graves that are being found all over Iraq.
This all took place before the second gulf was, so-called attack on an innocent country.
So please tell us who was responsible if not the iraqis themselves; was it The Tooth Fairy?

Indeed, a barbaric attack on Iran funded by the US in support of their former ally Sadam. As for the rest of your allegations they are huge exaggerations of the truth, some even totally fabricated by the US in their campaign to undermine SH, and each would have to be dealt with individually and I just can't be bothered so I guess you’ve saved your arse! :)
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Re: Barbaric Savages strike again

Postby Southerner » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:14 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:Blame the Tooth Fairy

Of course we all know the answer it is quite obvious and very simple, it was the the barbaric attack on Iran and all the years of brutal slaughter that followed including using chemical weapons, the ongoing slaughter of their own people, the horrific attack on Kuwait and the war crimes commited by the invading Iraqis, the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of the Marsh Arabs, the mass murder including the use of chemical weapons against the Kurdish population. The mass graves that are being found all over Iraq.
This all took place before the second gulf was, so-called attack on an innocent country.
So please tell us who was responsible if not the iraqis themselves; was it The Tooth Fairy?

Indeed, a barbaric attack on Iran funded by the US in support of their former ally Sadam. As for the rest of your allegations they are huge exaggerations of the truth, some even totally fabricated by the US in their campaign to undermine SH, and each would have to be dealt with individually and I just can't be bothered so I guess you’ve saved your arse! :)

Comical Ali the Rebel Without A clue strikes again. :lol: :lol: :lol:
We used to watch you on Iraq TV everynight, "we are waiting for them to enter Baghdad then we will ambush them".
And I thought they'd arrested you.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:51 pm

He is free and roaming the streets of Nicosia spreading the message Lets get the mercenaries , Blackwater , then we can show the Turks the way home. Soon Iran might just become a Nuclear power (in your dreams ) then we can ask for the might of the Persian army to assits as . The bloody Americans will have to think twice before intervening. What an absolute plonker .
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:55 pm

Eliko wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, I agree entirely with your sentiments in this instance, I wonder WHY such things are taking place these days, they were never apparent prior to the unlawful attack upon their nation.

Do you think it possible that they have learned such violence at football matches from we of the west?.

Not on such a scale as far as severity is concerned I'll grant you, but then, arms and munitions are not so easily obtainable in our communities are they?.

I wonder what would happen if young children, playing in the streets, were able to pick up firearms and munitions randomly scattered outside the 'Arsenal' football stadium, the loss of a match could well trigger off a similar scenario, particularly if they daily witnessed the aggressive attitudes of a foreign force in their country.

Why should the generators not be working, they were perfectly serviceable before the unlawful, murderous and cowardly attack on the nation.

Never mind what WE think miltiades, how do YOU justify it?. :wink:

Another plonker , how the hell can you equate a barbaric attack on innocent football fans with any other act of war , cant you get in your tiny head that it is these savages that are keeping the Americans in Iraq and the innocent blood spilling on a daily basis. These barbarians are the reason why America is there in the first place.

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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:23 pm

America ...
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Postby humanist » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:49 pm

Mental Health Problems I believe may be your answer.
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Postby Southerner » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:36 am

There is something strange about people who go around viewing the world through terrorist coloured glasses.
Of course the marsh Arabs are still alive, so are the Kurds it's just that they've suddenly all emigrated, next you'll be denying the holocaust and saying that it was all American/western propoganda; all blown out of proportion.
I suppose you'r still telling the world about Gallipoli and what you did to the nasty westerners there, but, while you'r at it tell them about a guy call 'El Lawrence'.
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