miltiades wrote:Nice to see you back on the forum Lena hope you continue with your meticulously witty and intelligent posts. I hope that both your self your dear mother and the little one are bearing up with the heat. It was such a pleasure to have met you all back in London , to have sat down share a meal a glass or two and a chat. My dear wife who was due to have joined us as you know wasnt able to make it but I'm pleased she is out of hospital now and raring to go to Cyprus . Give mum and the little one my regards. I'm hoping to be in Cyprus for a long weekend starting this coming Friday 3rd till Sunday , but very little time to take in any visits to anywhere but I do plan to pay a fleeting visit to the Cancer Tulip in Nicosia , email me your mobile will give you a call .
Thanks for seeing me when you were here and may I say what a great lady you are .
miltiades wrote:Thanks my dear friend Deniz , as you can see there is still plenty of "fire" in old Miltiades !!!!
My dear pleasure was all mine and my family’s. I enjoyed our meetings and I do look forward for the next and hopefully I will have the pleasure to meet your wife as well and why not the little pappou krasi with the rest of the family.
I send my details quite fast when I saw this post...and I didnt notice that you was not here but you are coming soon...

well I hope we will meet here eventually.
Thanks for your comments and trust me the pleasure was all mine. Allow me to say...what a fine amazing gentleman you are

And you indeed have plenty of fire
denizaksulu wrote:Miltiades my friend, I sincerely hope you are not trying to make me jealous. I also hope to make the acqaintance of LENA but you seem to have beaten me to it. I hope your wife makes a hasty recovery to enjoy Cyprus to the full.
Dear Deniz...I hope you meant acquaintance of my company not me

otherwise Ms Deniz will kill both of us ... but I do look forward that coffee and the tavli you promised...I dont forget promises.
george d wrote:hi lena, i am new to the forum and just wanted to say that its a great way to keep in touch with whats happening on the most beautiful island in the world..
Dear George...nice to have you here in the forum. Well the island is great and the people are amazing so trust me nobody force you to keep in touch but it’s your pleasure. By the way it is my country and I am not running away from here

humanist wrote:Hello Lena mou! Welcome back and good to have you here. Me ayapi (with love ) Andreas
Andrea mou, I am glad to see you around. Well did you manage to get any short guys from T-C’s hands or did he got them all for himself? Are we going out soon or you switch to tall?

@Get Real
By the way Get Real...those links are really nice but I don’t think that I could ever do that. Thats why people like you exist in this world.
I love your avatar!!!!! I want that image