Lena: I hope that what I am reading here is friendly banter. I must be missing something here.
My lounge does not suffer from too much humidity. On the contraryour house has its windows open all hours.. But it would not surprise me.
Make love, not war

Dear Deniz,
yes you do miss something here but dont worry the above is just a tease between us nothing more. I guess sound not like that but dont worry its all friendly banter as you said.
You said that your lounge doesnt suffer from much humidity but even a little bit might harm your laptop ...anyway I am not an expert on that and I have not been to your lounge so I can not talk about that.
As for the "make love not war" I have that in my mind always ... dont worry!


Hi Lena,
I did back up my work. New lap-top arriving tomorrow
I will be back. Glad for the friendly banter bit.
Regards DA