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Paphos not what I expected

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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:56 am

Let me tell you something you guys .When I lived in Paphos way back in the late 50s , it was utterly unspoilt and utterly destitute , to earn a living was impossible , we also had beggars in the street , all that "unspoilt " beauty gave us sweet fa to eat. Now Paphos , thanks mostly to the Brits , is booming , the people do not have to worry where the next meal will come from only concern them selves with which model of car to choose.
Any "unspoiled " place is generally poor and the people preoccupied in surviving. Paphos has prospered and its people's standards risen because of tourism , mainly British. There are remote parts of the world where natural "beauty " still exists and the inhabitants starve.
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Postby simonwjones » Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:22 am

miltiades wrote:Let me tell you something you guys .When I lived in Paphos way back in the late 50s , it was utterly unspoilt and utterly destitute , to earn a living was impossible , we also had beggars in the street , all that "unspoilt " beauty gave us sweet fa to eat. Now Paphos , thanks mostly to the Brits , is booming , the people do not have to worry where the next meal will come from only concern them selves with which model of car to choose.
Any "unspoiled " place is generally poor and the people preoccupied in surviving. Paphos has prospered and its people's standards risen because of tourism , mainly British. There are remote parts of the world where natural "beauty " still exists and the inhabitants starve.

True, but there is a way of doing this. Paphos is far too commercial now. When walking through Paphos, or driving through. Does it really feel like Cyprus anymore? To me, it's been taken over by cheap bars, cheap fast food joints and happy hours. No Cypriot charm there pal!

Paphos is not cheap to get to either and when your there its expensive too. If you want to experience the tripe above, your better to book yourself on a cheap package deal to the Costas - cos you get the same when your there.
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Postby kafenes » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:03 am

Isn’t it strange that people criticizing Paphos are the ones who don’t live there? Tourists are always looking for unspoilt destinations not realising that when it is found then it will be spoilt. People ask me which restaurants I go to which is truly local and not spoilt by the tourists. I answer, if I told you, before you know it, it will be swarming with tourists.
Tourists are selfish, they want to be the only one to enjoy the unspoilt surroundings and yet they will go around bragging to others how they found it and where it is. Even though I am not originally from Paphos, I know the Paphos area better the most Paphians. There is something special about the countryside which can only be appreciated by a Cypriot.
For the tourists, please stick to bar street, the harbour, kato Paphos and the tombs of the kings and let us locals enjoy our little paradise in Paphos. And for those Cypriots who criticize Paphos, they do it from utmost jealousy.
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Postby Southerner » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:32 am

Eliko wrote:Thank you for your comical 'Tag', I think it highlights the level of YOUR intelligence, as one would not expect a man of your age to waste his time in dreaming up insullts to hurl at one he may disagree with. :wink:

You don't even have to think them up, you are the best stooge any comedian could ever wish for.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:54 am

Southerner, I see you have adopted the same principles as miltiades when responding to a persons opinions.

You extract a small section of it and contemplate the best way to offer insult, you are becoming quite good at it.

Why do you not engage on the issues raised ?, you are at liberty to defend your corner by presenting your view,
it would be interesting to learn what your views are from time to time, the usual insulting responses only serve to illustrate that you are not competent to analyse the situation and therefore MUST resort to the miltiades format.

Perhaps you should get together and compare notes, I am sure you will be able to invent some really astounding insults, you are both amply qualified.

Read back over your past posts if you require confirmation. :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:56 am

simonwjones wrote:
miltiades wrote:Let me tell you something you guys .When I lived in Paphos way back in the late 50s , it was utterly unspoilt and utterly destitute , to earn a living was impossible , we also had beggars in the street , all that "unspoilt " beauty gave us sweet fa to eat. Now Paphos , thanks mostly to the Brits , is booming , the people do not have to worry where the next meal will come from only concern them selves with which model of car to choose.
Any "unspoiled " place is generally poor and the people preoccupied in surviving. Paphos has prospered and its people's standards risen because of tourism , mainly British. There are remote parts of the world where natural "beauty " still exists and the inhabitants starve.

True, but there is a way of doing this. Paphos is far too commercial now. When walking through Paphos, or driving through. Does it really feel like Cyprus anymore? To me, it's been taken over by cheap bars, cheap fast food joints and happy hours. No Cypriot charm there pal!

Paphos is not cheap to get to either and when your there its expensive too. If you want to experience the tripe above, your better to book yourself on a cheap package deal to the Costas - cos you get the same when your there.

As I said in a previous reply which Back Ali chose to ignore, Tarmac, Hassle Homes, Mcalpines, Geo Wimpey etc didn't build the vast housing estates, bars, hotels etc, local builders built them for profit, that profit came from ex-pats and tourism not the local Cypriots!
If anyone is to blame it is the Cypriots themselves, they ecouraged the influx of ex-pats and tourists.
The Cypriots (bar owners etc) themselves have ecouraged this poor behaviour. If Akamas is built on it won't be British companys building it will be Cypriot companys with the usual money in an evelope backhanders.
In the 60s when I was stationed at Episkopi the bar areas in Limassol were constantly patrolled at night by British Military Police and RAF Police
anyone stepping out of line was quickly dealt with and spent the night in "Polemedia Cop Shop" as we called it.
The only police activity I've seen in Bar street is a couple of patrol cars parked at the top end issuing parking tickets
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Postby Southerner » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:04 am

Eliko wrote:Southerner, I see you have adopted the same principles as miltiades when responding to a persons opinions.

You extract a small section of it and contemplate the best way to offer insult, you are becoming quite good at it.
Why do you not engage on the issues raised ?, you are at liberty to defend your corner by presenting your view,
it would be interesting to learn what your views are from time to time, the usual insulting responses only serve to illustrate that you are not competent to analyse the situation and therefore MUST resort to the miltiades format.
Perhaps you should get together and compare notes, I am sure you will be able to invent some really astounding insults, you are both amply qualified.
Read back over your past posts if you require confirmation. :wink:

I gave my views and you chose to ignore not reply!
I will condense it for your limited understanding.

The Cypriots built for, and catered for, all the things that you despise about toursts/ex-pats.

This thread is about the state of Paphos today; and how/why it got like it did. Nothing to do with Famgusta, colonialism and Iraq.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:20 am

Southerner, I responded to some comments made by 'rulla' in which she pointed out the fact that the British were seemingly ill-mannered in and around her neighbourhood in Dhyrenia.

I offered my opinion as to why they should act so and I think there is some truth in what I wrote.

Would you disagree that the British were implicated in the destruction of 'Famagusta' or would you not ?.

A simple enough question I think, a reasonable one also, WHAT is YOUR view ?, please answer the question and, if you have any information, let us discuss it without resorting to insult and ignorance. Sir. :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:26 am

Eliko wrote:Southerner, you made a point about the absence of British builders here, WHY should there be ?.

You emphasize that you will be able to sustain yourself, WHY should you not ?.

Do you think the world revolves around the Brits ?, you are the most down-trodden race on the face of the earth, you should be out in the streets protesting at the gross incompetence of your government.

Instead, you accept whatever new manacles they clamp on you and grumble like whipped dogs, the spirit of the British public has been crushed by the scum that rules you, you have become the laughing stock of the world.

I think your forebears would be ashamed of you for what you have allowed your nation to become, NOW you flee like 'rats leaving a sinking ship' and expect to establish your miserable lives here.

You have done enough damage to many decent countries, Cyprus has no need of such a sustained invasion of mumpers and grumblers, why not put your own house in order?.

In my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think you may have overlooked the response to your earlier post, I did not ignore you, neither did I fail to reply, Sir. :wink:
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Postby Southerner » Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:59 pm

Eliko wrote:Southerner, I responded to some comments made by 'rulla' in which she pointed out the fact that the British were seemingly ill-mannered in and around her neighbourhood in Dhyrenia.

I offered my opinion as to why they should act so and I think there is some truth in what I wrote.
Would you disagree that the British were implicated in the destruction of 'Famagusta' or would you not ?.
A simple enough question I think, a reasonable one also, WHAT is YOUR view ?, please answer the question and, if you have any information, let us discuss it without resorting to insult and ignorance. Sir. :wink:

I gave my views and you chose to ignore not reply!
I will condense it for your limited understanding.

The Cypriots built for, and catered for, all the things that you despise about toursts/ex-pats.

This thread is about the state of Paphos today; and how/why it got like it did. Nothing to do with Famgusta, colonialism and Iraq.

which part of this don't you understand?
No more of your anti British vitriolic bile.
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