Eliko wrote:Southerner, you made a point about the absence of British builders here, WHY should there be ?.
You emphasize that you will be able to sustain yourself, WHY should you not ?.
Do you think the world revolves around the Brits ?, you are the most down-trodden race on the face of the earth, you should be out in the streets protesting at the gross incompetence of your government.
Instead, you accept whatever new manacles they clamp on you and grumble like whipped dogs, the spirit of the British public has been crushed by the scum that rules you, you have become the laughing stock of the world.
I think your forebears would be ashamed of you for what you have allowed your nation to become, NOW you flee like 'rats leaving a sinking ship' and expect to establish your miserable lives here.
You have done enough damage to many decent countries, Cyprus has no need of such a sustained invasion of mumpers and grumblers, why not put your own house in order?.
In my humble opinion.![]()
What part of "It's the cypriots who are inviting the Brits over" don't you understand?
All this disgusting vitriolic ranting is beneath contempt, I don't live on a rathole I live in a very nice residential town where I raised four children who are well established in life.
The main decadence in this country at this moment is from scum that invades our shores due to the over generosity of our countries social commitment.
As I said earlier I really do think that you've flipped this time.