paliometoxo wrote:where are u from btw Eliko sorry dont recognise the flag my geography is bad
The flag is that of Cuba, I have family connections there, you may be aware of the history of that small island which has been a 'thorn in the side' of America for a considerable time.
Despite numerous underhanded efforts to discredit that nation, it has stood firmly against every attempt to force it to succumb to the intrusion of the great USA.
The president has been in power for over half a century and can walk freely among his people without fear of assassination, stopping for friendly chats in the market places.
Quite a difference compared with the 'Ring of Steel' which accompanies the leaders of other nations.
Cuba has not been infiltrated and divided YET, the Yanks have had their arses kicked out a couple of times but are probably working feverishly behind the scenes, waiting for the demise of the elderly Fidel Castro, may Allah bestow blessings upon those who find shelter in the shadow of his holy beard.