{< quote, miltiades}
You are correct , but let me straighten something out. NO CYPRIOT LEFT CYPRUS IN THE 50s /60s because of EOKA. We left because we could not make a living for our selves and neither could we educate ourselves beyond the age of 12 ,. since the British did not encourage further education therefore if you wanted to gain education after the age of 12 you had to pay.
EOKA did not terrorise its own people you are confusing this with EOKA B which came later.{/quote}.
miltiades, I wonder if you would mind me asking you simple questions?, I am somewhat mystified by the fact that you seem to be SO pro British.
Since your homeland has so obviously suffered at the hands and from the actions of your 'host nation', from where does such allegiance spring from?. (you do display such tendencies quite regularly).
You are an older man, you have seen the result of the invasion of your country, it's division, the hatreds developing from such, YET, you are able to embrace the very policies that have destroyed your homeland.
Furthermore, YOU are one of the strongest advocates for the revival of Cypriot brotherhood.
I must say it all sounds a bit weird to me, If I was restricted and treated so badly by a foreign foe in my childhood, I would like to think that I would be rather 'miffed' by it all.
Is it because you have found that you are able to glean a better life for YOURSELF, that you are content to see the demise of your own country?, content to sit back and watch as your countrymen suffer, hoping that one day you may return and tearfully embrace both sides of the conflict and become a champion for peace?. (having lived off the proceeds and eaten the bread of your country's enemies for so long).
If I was the victim of what YOU have apparently suffered, I think my 'host nation' would have another 'Guy Fawkes' to worry about.
an old Irish saying sums it up nicely, "You killed the father but forgot the son !".