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Paphos not what I expected

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Postby ukman » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:06 pm

rrichie .you have gone to the wrong places .most expats dont go nowhere near these places .that paphos you saw aint paphos we see .that was holiday makers like yourself .we eat melon hullumi lunza for breakfast not £1.50 breakfast .thats what we left behind ,you aint seen cyprus .did you go to ommodos or the kykkos monostary have an ice cream at aprodities rock ,or did you just get pissed all week then go home and say paphos was crap .open your mind if you come again .and ask us before you come .you will see what this beautiful place is about then 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:21 pm

Dead right humanist

Thats why I prefer the mountains

Its the only place nowadays where you can recieve true Cypriot Hospitality

But as you say my friend .....the time is running out (unfortunatley)
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Postby Kristianikos » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:38 pm

my friend, next time you come.

You must go and visit the mountains, the view is beautiful, the villages are beautiful !!

Last year when i went 2 old men outside a cafe near a village asked us to come and sit with them for a drink, it was a very nice experience.

Sadly.. The way my mother talks of Cyprus, when she was young... seems to be dissapearing..
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Postby jimbo1 » Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:48 pm

last time i was in paphos we went into the mountains stopped at a little taverna we had 3 plates of soup and a bottle of wine then the shock when the bill came 24 pounds so even in the villages beware
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:37 pm

miltiades, as usual you have to use insult to bolster your inane opinions, have you EVER had an intelligent and fruitful exchange with a person who's views might be at odds to your own?, it is possible you know, all you have to do is THINK and ANALYSE, try it sometime, you may be surprised. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:51 pm

Southerner wrote:
Eliko wrote:It is my understanding that the British residents in the Pafos area are seeking to establish a political representative for themselves, (they may have already done so).

Rather strange actually, since the majority of them seem to have left their own 'Golden Shores' in protest about the way other nationalities are seeking to do the same thing there.
The Cypriot culture has received enough 'Death Blows' from the Brits, I think they should respect the traditions of their 'Host Nation' and make an attempt at being ambassadors for their homeland.
Unfortunately the flag wavers (Most of whom do not even know how to describe their country's emblem), seem to be content with the knowledge that they are seen as 'ignorant', by most civilized societies in the world and take great pains to ensure that this 'Tradition' is exhibited wherever they go.
They will eventually spoil the area since they are seemingly unable to inject anything (other than decadence) into the culture that surrounds them.In my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eliko if the Brits are so unwelcome because of their death blows etc etc to the cypriot culture don't you think it's strange that you never see 'Tarmac Homes' 'Geo Wimpey' 'Hassle Estates'? What you actualy see is 'Aristo Developers' 'Leptos Estates' 'Klianthes Homes' etc etc on every hillside/field wherever you go. We get bombarded left right and centre with programmes on TV/Sky virtualy begging us to come and buy property in Cyprus these programmes are financed by Cypriot companys not UK.
You can't have your cake and eat it, well over 90% of ex pats are on pension and actualy contribute more to the Cypriot economy than the average Cypriot of a similar age. When we move to Cyprus next year we will bring an income of around £1600 CYP per month all going into the Cyprus economy, and that's after we've paid cash for our house, once again going into the Cypriot economy.

Southerner, if you are moving to Cyprus and intend to live here (and you are quite welcome to do so), you will of course need somewhere to live.

You will also require funds in order to sustain your life here.

Do you think that the fact that you are able to do so will entitle you to impose the decadence of the 'Rathole' you escaped from upon the decent society you inflict your presence on ?.

Stay where you are if you cannot accept the 'Culture' that exists here, you have NOTHING to teach these people, they can do without your few quid, most of you are too tight fisted to spend anyway, you are mostly concerned that the property you buy will be worth more in a few years.

Buy up the 'Ratholes ' in the UK, there are plenty of them.

In my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Southerner » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:13 am

Eliko wrote:Eliko if the Brits are so unwelcome because of their death blows etc etc to the cypriot culture don't you think it's strange that you never see 'Tarmac Homes' 'Geo Wimpey' 'Hassle Estates'? What you actualy see is 'Aristo Developers' 'Leptos Estates' 'Klianthes Homes' etc etc on every hillside/field wherever you go. We get bombarded left right and centre with programmes on TV/Sky virtualy begging us to come and buy property in Cyprus these programmes are financed by Cypriot companys not UK.
You can't have your cake and eat it, well over 90% of ex pats are on pension and actualy contribute more to the Cypriot economy than the average Cypriot of a similar age. When we move to Cyprus next year we will bring an income of around £1600 CYP per month all going into the Cyprus economy, and that's after we've paid cash for our house, once again going into the Cypriot economy.

Southerner, if you are moving to Cyprus and intend to live here (and you are quite welcome to do so), you will of course need somewhere to live.
You will also require funds in order to sustain your life here.
Do you think that the fact that you are able to do so will entitle you to impose the decadence of the 'Rathole' you escaped from upon the decent society you inflict your presence on ?.
Stay where you are if you cannot accept the 'Culture' that exists here, you have NOTHING to teach these people, they can do without your few quid, most of you are too tight fisted to spend anyway, you are mostly concerned that the property you buy will be worth more in a few years.
Buy up the 'Ratholes ' in the UK, there are plenty of them.
In my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Eliko are you sure that this is a response to my last post? if it is I can only assume you've finaly flipped.
Too much sun, go and get a good nights sleep.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:16 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, as usual you have to use insult to bolster your inane opinions, have you EVER had an intelligent and fruitful exchange with a person who's views might be at odds to your own?, it is possible you know, all you have to do is THINK and ANALYSE, try it sometime, you may be surprised. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eliko , Im beginning to dislike you , your calling members of my family decadent and comparing them to the primitive jungle people who emigrate to the UK . It is with sadness that once again I have to reiterate what I stated many times , what a waste of an education. What the hell do you know about the Brits or come to it what do you know about the Cypriots. I was born and raised in Paphos , grew up in London , met the best people in the world and the worst also. The Brits are fair minded kind hearted and civil people , and yes there are amongst them also bad inconsiderate hooligans , but the overwhelming majority come up to the expectations that I had since a child in Cyprus way back in 1953 when events took me to a Limassol orphanage where I saw and experienced as a child , the kindness and compassion from English mothers strolling along the sea front and stopping at the gates of the orphanage and handing out sweets and gifts to us all . My first ever Xmas present was handed to me by a kindly English lady , the type that retire in Cyprus and take care of their environment , look after animals and do their best to blend in .
And finaly , responding to your following statement """""have you EVER had an intelligent and fruitful exchange with a person who's views might be at odds to your own?, """"

The answer to that is a profound yes and a definitive NO. When nonsense is aired nonsense it must be called , when objectionable views are expressed one has to exercise restraint. When damn right rude and arrogant views are posted then I will respond accordingly. You are calling the retired Brits in Cyprus as decadent what the do you expect me to do , argue with you or tell you to shut up and grow up.

PS , I can see that your mates , the decent non decadent savages were at it again , read it and then tell me who is decadent !!!"
"""BAGHDAD, July 23 (Xinhua) -- A new wave of suicide attacks and car bombings across Iraq killed at least 24 people and wounded some 60 others on Monday, while Baghdad is preparing to host a second round of talks between the U.S. and Iran on Iraqi security.

A series of car bombings rocked Baghdad in the day, killing at least 17 Iraqis and wounding 57 others, shaping a setback in the five-month U.S. and Iraqi security plan which aimed at curbing insurgency and sectarian violence.

Two car bomb explosions ripped through Baghdad's central neighborhood of Karradah in a quick succession, killing at least10 people and wounding 38 others.

One of the car bombs was parking near a police headquarters in Karradah neighborhood and the other was near a market in the same neighborhood.
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Postby Eliko » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:34 am

Southerner, you made a point about the absence of British builders here, WHY should there be ?.

You emphasize that you will be able to sustain yourself, WHY should you not ?.

Do you think the world revolves around the Brits ?, you are the most down-trodden race on the face of the earth, you should be out in the streets protesting at the gross incompetence of your government.

Instead, you accept whatever new manacles they clamp on you and grumble like whipped dogs, the spirit of the British public has been crushed by the scum that rules you, you have become the laughing stock of the world.

I think your forebears would be ashamed of you for what you have allowed your nation to become, NOW you flee like 'rats leaving a sinking ship' and expect to establish your miserable lives here.

You have done enough damage to many decent countries, Cyprus has no need of such a sustained invasion of mumpers and grumblers, why not put your own house in order?.

In my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:41 am

miltiades, thank you for your kind words, your usual insults and your latest update on the attrocities resulting from the unlawful attack on an innocent nation by those of the West.

I don't think we will have to wait too long now before the forces of aggression will have their arses kicked out of Iraq, they will not admit it of course, you would not expect otherwise, would you ?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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