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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:02 pm

sure does. not sure how poisonous the snakes are but still wouldent want them near the house.. once as i was going home i was going up the stairs and there was one i dident see it. it went to bite me luckily i jumped back though scraping my arm along the wall.. hate snakes.
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:18 pm

paliometoxo wrote:sure does. not sure how poisonous the snakes are but still wouldent want them near the house.. once as i was going home i was going up the stairs and there was one i dident see it. it went to bite me luckily i jumped back though scraping my arm along the wall.. hate snakes.

Oh my god :shock: I don't think we will have a fish pond! Though I have no actual fear of snakes, I don't want them in the house, or for that matter anywhere near me :D
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Postby Shipwreck » Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:20 pm

Never in all the years seen any snakes near or swimming in my fish ponds and there are little fish called mossy fish that are voracious when it comes to eating mossy's! You can have the luxury of a swimming pool and many ponds. go for it!
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Postby ukman » Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:34 pm

i live in timi .and last week i had a brown nose viper at my fly screen .hence one brown pair of shorts .gardner was happy with 2 extra days work .whole gardens been scalped no more undergroth :lol: :lol: had to have a magners .i
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Postby raymanuva » Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:36 pm

...thats why i've "concrefied" everything around my house and made a perimeter wall... :D
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Postby twinkle » Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:43 pm

I bravely severed the head off a silvery coloured snake that slithered into my garden. I bashed it with a shovel. Have to say I was screaming as I hit it. Only reason I killed it is I have 2 dogs and they would have stupidly gone over to it and nudged it...... It was a horrible thing to do but I believe I had no option!

We have a pool and apart from swifts and swallows diving into it during the day we have bats at night that come down and drink. We also have lizards, dragon flys and the now famous cypriot mouse!!!
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:32 pm

Shipwreck wrote:Never in all the years seen any snakes near or swimming in my fish ponds and there are little fish called mossy fish that are voracious when it comes to eating mossy's! You can have the luxury of a swimming pool and many ponds. go for it!

Thank you for you reply, I like the idea of the mossy fish eating the mossies :lol:
You say fish many do you have? What fish do you keep in them? Did you buy them in Cyprus? We like Koi, can these be bought In Cyprus do you know, and are they more expensive than the UK...approx?
Sorry for asking more questions :roll:
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:35 pm

ukman wrote:i live in timi .and last week i had a brown nose viper at my fly screen .hence one brown pair of shorts .gardner was happy with 2 extra days work .whole gardens been scalped no more undergroth :lol: :lol: had to have a magners .i

I would have had to have more than one Magners :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:42 pm

twinkle wrote:I bravely severed the head off a silvery coloured snake that slithered into my garden. I bashed it with a shovel. Have to say I was screaming as I hit it. Only reason I killed it is I have 2 dogs and they would have stupidly gone over to it and nudged it...... It was a horrible thing to do but I believe I had no option!

We have a pool and apart from swifts and swallows diving into it during the day we have bats at night that come down and drink. We also have lizards, dragon flys and the now famous cypriot mouse!!!

Oh my god, I understand your dilemma, I also have a stupid dog that would have wanted to go and find out what it was :roll: . I think I would have had to call for someone (anyone :lol: )though as I don't think I would have been able to kill it myself....I know...I need to toughen up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Cyprus4MeSoon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:46 pm

raymanuva wrote:...thats why i've "concrefied" everything around my house and made a perimeter wall... :D

We will be having a perimeter wall, but think we will be putting conifers around also...just for that added protection! :)
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