-mikkie2- wrote:The argument as to the status of the ECHR is irrelevant!
If the British courts throw the case out then they have recourse to the ECHR which deems that if you have exhausted all 'internal' means to get justice, including taking a case to another European country that is a member of the CoE (all EU countries are a member of the CoE) then the person has every right to take the case to the ECHR.
In this case it won't be the Orams that would be put to trial but rather the British legal system and Turkey, as it is deemed to be the sole responsible country for the situation in northern Cyprus. So you could have the situation where Turkey pays compensation and also the British justice system being forced to put the case through the courts!
Actually you are still wrong,
This case from the begining is based on one person (GC) suing another person (Brit) in the court. Now GC had won its case in RoC courts (surprise surprise) but can not enforece her decision in the north GC can take two routes (and these are not either/or)
1) You can try to get the decision reinforced by UK court on a Brits UK assets. Seizing them. And then if that is rejected go to EU courts.
2) Go to ECHR and sue Turkey again, as she is the one not UK that does not let the RoC court decision to be exercised.
In any case UK goverment is safe from being sued in ECHR because of her inability to get the decision is enforced in north or because of her inability to get the decision enforced in UK. Because in one case it is not the one one preventing the enforcement in Cyprus but Turkey and in the other case she is not the one preventing the enforcement of law in UK because there simply is no case like that.
In order to sue UK goverment the way you described, this GC shoudl open another case in RoC againts UK because she fails to honor the decisions of ROC courts ( not this case where a person is suing another person) and then when that is rejected in RoC court as it is not their jurisdiction, they have to go to UK courts, and then if rejected they can go to ECHR.
And even then ECHR would fail to accept the case because it is not about UK violating human rights of a GC, (the address to that is Turkey) but simply refusing to honor RoC court decision. And for that the court which has jurisdiction is EU courts not ECHR because Uk has to honor RoC courts based on EU law, not ECHR law.
Of course that is my opinion, and the poor GC will have to wait and see and battle her long way out of in Uk courts and most probably be rejejcted, and turned back and sue Uk in RoC courts first, tehn UK courtsh again and then go to ECHR and see if ECHR accepts teh case.
Simply put, the only reason this GC decided to sue Brit is that because of UK being a member of EU is forced to accept the decisions in EU courts with some exceptions. And if those exceptions apply to this case are what the UK courts will decide, and if GC does not like their decision then she can go to EU courts.
Take care,