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Greek flags in cyprus ??

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby paliometoxo » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:05 pm

why would our president supply eelectricity to keep the flags lighting up :S or to show them he doesent care if they have a lighting flag that big
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Postby Kristianikos » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:06 pm

well it would be very harsh... to cut off power to northern cyprus...

And it wouldn't help towards a solution..
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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:08 pm

no i mean not to the whole of the north i mean just not supply it for the flags... i bet the north must pay us a lot to keep the lights on
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Postby halil » Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:07 am

paliometoxo wrote:why would our president supply eelectricity to keep the flags lighting up :S or to show them he doesent care if they have a lighting flag that big

not anymore my dear friend...... trnc producing her own electricity...... even if we don't have for our houses they keep lighting it......
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:57 am

i dont mean we should cut off for the houses halil i meant just for the turkishh flags that light up to stop that not stop the people from having it god no... just the flags
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Postby halil » Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:55 am

paliometoxo wrote:i dont mean we should cut off for the houses halil i meant just for the turkishh flags that light up to stop that not stop the people from having it god no... just the flags

i agree with u that electricity must be for the houses. since 1993 we don't get electric from the south cyprus.u must have wrong information.we used to get it from south.
we are producing our own electric.
yes , we have some problems with our electric production.our government still working on it to improve the electricity production.
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Postby humanist » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:01 am

SHOULD NOT BE FLOWN ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. I don't care what the Turkish speaking Cypriot side does ......... let them decide what is a good action to take towards peace. Live by example is a good moto.
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Postby Strahd » Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:06 pm

It is the constitutional right of every citizen of this republic to fly a Greek or a Turkish flag. In addition all communal authorities have the right to fly the flag of their respective community on their buildings. This includes

-Municipal Buildings


I have yet to see one public building currying a greek flag unless it is a national holiday. Just point me out please.


1. The Republic shall have its own flag of neutral design and colour, chosen jointly by the President and the Vice­President of the Republic.

2. The authorities of the Republic and any public corporation or public utility body created by or under the laws of the Republic shall fly the flag of the Republic and they shall have the right to fly on holidays together with the flag of the Republic both the Greek and the Turkish flags at the same time.

3. The Communal authorities and institutions shall have the right to fly on holidays together with the flag of the Republic either the Greek or the Turkish flag at the same time.

4. Any citizen of the Republic or any body, corporate or unincorporate other than public, whose members are citizens of the Republic, shall have the right to fly on their premises the flag of the Republic or the Greek or the Turkish flag without any restriction.

Anyway this is an EU state and you cannot force this kind of fascist legislations. Anyone has the right to fly the flag he wants... would you say the same if Cyprus was full of Uganda flags?
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:31 pm

[quote="Eliko"]Kristianikos, absolutely, I think the significance behind such a show, is the reason why so many Turkish flags are furled in the North, these flags of identification can only increase tensions, the flag of Cyprus should be the only flag allowed on the island, other than those of the bases etc.

Unfortunately the flags have become a source of further antagonism between G/C and T/C, NOT the way forward I suspect. :([/quote]

With due respect to you Eliko. It would be wise for the 'Legal' Republicans to put their house in order first, before making suggestions about the flags in the North. As far as you are concerned 'we dont exist' anyway. What you see is a figment of your imagination. :wink:
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Postby oranos64 » Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:44 pm

Greek flag is drawn along side the cypriot flag because 45% of greek cypriot race desend directly from Greece (king evagoras etc ) ie most greeks from paphos and salamina area are direct dissendents ...
Greece is also our motherland ..same as hong kong chinese are still chinese ...
in larnaca you will also see the E.U FLAG,THE FLAG OF ORTHODOX CHURCH ...
Greek provides military troops ,training ,weapons and advice to the southern cyp army as per agreements made in the 70s and 80s ...TURKEY PROVIDES TROOPS AND WEAPONS TO THE NORTH AND SOME 40000 TROOPS ETC ...
The situation is different the UK ...SCOTS ARE PROUD PEOPLE ( I LOVE SCOTLAND ,THE PEOPLE ,THE COUNTRY ,) ENGLAND I could say the same ...but sometime in the 90s ...socialist /P C ..AND FAIRIES ...took over the country and banned the ST Georges flag ... pretty much sums up my view of Britain ..still if anyone in larnaca misses it i have the flag of every nationality i teach from the UNION JACK TO THE AUSTRAIN FLAG ,HELENIC ,CYP ..HUNGARIAN ETC ...
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