by hunnibee » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:59 pm
Hello Lisa!! Well Done on making the most life changing decision of your life!!!
I moved to Limassol in May, my children are 4 and 1!! I put my daughter (4) into a greek kindergarten within 2 weeks of arriving, I got a job at a bar and some of the regulars told me I'd done the right thing as when shes older she'll benefit not only with having 2 languages (3 if we include Welsh from the welsh school she went to before we moved!) but she'll also benefit having 'local' friends not just English friends, whom we'll meet in time of being here! I was told to Persevere with her as she may find it hard adapting. THIS was the best advice I had as a few weeks later she started performing in the mornings saying no-one liked her, she had no friends etcetc I felt bad and started searching for English schools which taught greek, while they looked more colourful they were alot more expensive! I took Emily out of school for 2 weeks and bought her some reading writing books (English) from ELC and schooled her at home while I made my decision... All the while I had the head-teacher of the greek school phoning me asking where she was!! In the end I went to see her head-teacher and explained what was happening and she told me that Emily was totally different when she was IN school. I asked them to talk to her in greek but then follow with English (This was the way they taught her the Welsh in her old school!) and asked her to go in school a little later (8.30 instead of 7.30) and finish later! Now shes coping alot better, shes settled into having a 'siesta' in school and has made friends, they performed a ceremony about 3 weeks ago and were all dancing on stage and Emily said her lines in Greek!! Shes also singing Greek songs!! Like I said the guy who told me PERSEVERE was right...What he said stuck in my head and I knew If I took her to an English school after taking her to a Greek one she'd munipulate me all the way through school!!!!
I hope this helps in some way!! GOOD LUCK!!!