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Postby Eliko » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:07 am

Birkibrisli, THAT is exactly what is happening in the UK, the people are being gulled into believing that ALL Muslims are potential terrorists, the whole country is becoming paranoid as a result of the influence the media has on them.

More the pity since the basic message of Islam is 'Peace', most of the Muslims I know are fine people who would not offer an insult to anyone, their manner may be a little strange to us, we should accept the differences and be a little more understanding.

There are many different religious practices in the UK, it is unfair to single out the one on account of the fact that the politicians have created a serious problem abroad.

Destruction is not the answer, a little bridge building might be in order, in my opinion. :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:36 am

humanist wrote:Hey Birkibrisli thanks for the above post to Pitsilos, I hadn't actually thought about that issue before that Turkish Muslim may infact want to worhsip in a different mosque to a lebanese.

on the matter of marrigae I would have a relationship with a Turkish/ Turkish speaking Cypriot if love was the essence that bund us together. So long as they did not sell Turkish figs...... I refuse to buy anything Turkish.

That is exactly why you have more than one mosques in any one suburb...It is exactly the same reason as to why you have many churches of different denominations in one suburb...People don't look at the number of churches,but the number of mosques stick out like a sore thumb...I wonder why????

I am glad you will not discriminate against a Turk or TC when it comes to love...But what has the poor fig grower of Turkey done to you,mate???? :wink: :lol: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:50 am

Eliko wrote:Birkibrisli, THAT is exactly what is happening in the UK, the people are being gulled into believing that ALL Muslims are potential terrorists, the whole country is becoming paranoid as a result of the influence the media has on them.

More the pity since the basic message of Islam is 'Peace', most of the Muslims I know are fine people who would not offer an insult to anyone, their manner may be a little strange to us, we should accept the differences and be a little more understanding.

There are many different religious practices in the UK, it is unfair to single out the one on account of the fact that the politicians have created a serious problem abroad.

Destruction is not the answer, a little bridge building might be in order, in my opinion. :)

Islam has replaced communism as the mother of all evils,I am afraid Eliko...People will not stop and think that there are probably no more than 5000 hard core islamic fundamentalist in the whole world who would be prepared to kill for their religion...And there are hundreds of millions of muslims who believe that killing a human being is the worse sin you can possibly commit...But here we are...all muslims are potential terrorists for some Western governments...We live in a world where individual greed and blind liberal capitalism are on target to destroy half of the world's population within 50 warming and environmental vandalism have brought the very survival of humanity into serious doubt...Yet most people see Islamic terrorism as the most imminent thread to their way of life...How stupid can we all get????? :roll: :cry: :cry:
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Postby pitsilos » Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:52 am

Bir Thanks for taking the time to answer me, and yes I am as broadminded as they come, but with limitations my friend…I grew up in Glenroy, and I am quite familiar with Broadmedows, do not make any mistake there…my parents still live in Glenroy and they have been the last 38 years…
Yes there are thousands of churches and synagogues around the country….the magic word is around the country and not 5 just with in 1 suburb…and by the way there are hundreds of mosques around the country as well…We are talking about a ghetto here Bir…You tell me how you see this panning out the next 50 years Bir…I am open minded, please tell me what kind of a place will be in 50 years with all this ghettozation, if I can use the word lol,…I see it as developing into one helluva mess…If use Sydney as an example…
And excuse my ignorance here Bir, but I was under the impression that people belonged to one of the main 2 branches of islam, shites and sunnis…So I am not sure as to how to answer you about the different mosques for different countries…I will dig up some info on the mosques in Broadmedows and we shall have a look.
And please Bir do not say I have fallen for the sensationalize media crap, I see it with my own eyes…I do not need to be told mate what’s happening in my back yard…
And Al Hilali does not need any help in demonizing himself…He is a master at it…the problem is Bir, he drags down every muslim with him.

Australia is for everybody…Can you imagine if every tom, dick and harry started doing their own thing?...But as a broadminded person, I say let’s show respect and put all the people from China in one area, then the Germans in another, the Cambodians in another corner...etc…but not before we do estimations to make sure we don’t overpopulate each ghetto, and do leave some room for expansion…you know in case they decide to breed…Yes you sold me…Now I wanna show respect to everyone…are you with me? think the above should apply to everyone or just restricted to showing respect to the muslims…just wondering Bir, in case another minority want to start something. I believe we should have a plan…

Bir I am a firm believer that we are heading towards disaster with all this ghetto mentality and by changing the rules to reflect the new migrants…The new migrants should know where they are going first and if they chose to come over, I say yes, but these are the rules…not happy go elsewhere or stay home.

PS…Bir I spend a lot of time with a lot of people and of different races….even lived in China and Taiwan Bir.
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Postby Marz » Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:05 am

Someone forgot to tell the real story about Sydney
The 'White Aglo" aussies had had enough of the Lebanese gangs around Cronulla walking around abusing and harrassing women, in braod daylight, then there were the rapes that happened, and finally people had enough, their target was the Lebos not anyone else.
There are places in Sydney that arent safe to walk into on your own its like you stepped into another country and your a foreigner.

Also, the mufti brough all muslims into the picture with his comments, if he doesnt represent Turkish, Indian, Pkistani, muslims maybe their leader should stand up and say " hey that mufti doesnt speak for us he a wanker and he should fuk off' but no one did because they probably share the same views, since they are all muslim
cheers MArz
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:36 am

Marz wrote:Someone forgot to tell the real story about Sydney
The 'White Aglo" aussies had had enough of the Lebanese gangs around Cronulla walking around abusing and harrassing women, in braod daylight, then there were the rapes that happened, and finally people had enough, their target was the Lebos not anyone else.
There are places in Sydney that arent safe to walk into on your own its like you stepped into another country and your a foreigner.

Also, the mufti brough all muslims into the picture with his comments, if he doesnt represent Turkish, Indian, Pkistani, muslims maybe their leader should stand up and say " hey that mufti doesnt speak for us he a wanker and he should fuk off' but no one did because they probably share the same views, since they are all muslim
cheers MArz

You have obviously swallowed the media beat up stories about lebanese muslims hook,line and sinker....That is why what Howard and his cronies are doing is so dangerous for harmony in our multicultural community here in Sydney....Sure there might've been some thugs of Lebanese origin who have problems adjusting to Australian values...But that does not give anybody the right to take the law into their own hands,and decide to demonise a whole community....Do you know Marz that some of those thugs might have been of Christian Lebanese background????for there are at least as many Christian Lebanese people here as muslim ones....And their maladjustment problems might simply be cultural and not religious...
But assuming that the troublemakers were all of muslim Lebanese background...what would you say to some innocent Christian lebanese person who might've been beaten up because they were of Lebanese extraction???? Wholesale demonising of people is wrong whichever way you look at it,mate...And the fact that there are people like you trying to justify the Cronulla Beach riots is a real cause for anxiety and sadness...It shows how little we have come addressing issues of xenophobia and race relations in a reasonably enlightened country like Australia....It makes me despair for troubles awaiting humanity in countries not so civilised or enlightened,where people are more suseptible to media direction,and only too ready to take the law into their own hands... :cry: :cry:
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Postby Marz » Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:20 am

Yes iam aware there are christian Lebanese as well, they are unlucky victims who are caught up in these problems, and unfortunately for them not many people know they exist at all and in large numbers also.
Our state premier is half Lebanese but i never heard him or anyone mentioning it on tv might become bad for his image.
For sure it was muslim Lebanese who were the offenders in Sydney, the crime and gangs are a big problem there.
So far ive met more bad than good, basically its their attitude towards everyone else that is bad and they only prefer to stick to themselfs.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:32 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Eliko wrote:Birkibrisli, THAT is exactly what is happening in the UK, the people are being gulled into believing that ALL Muslims are potential terrorists, the whole country is becoming paranoid as a result of the influence the media has on them.

More the pity since the basic message of Islam is 'Peace', most of the Muslims I know are fine people who would not offer an insult to anyone, their manner may be a little strange to us, we should accept the differences and be a little more understanding.

There are many different religious practices in the UK, it is unfair to single out the one on account of the fact that the politicians have created a serious problem abroad.

Destruction is not the answer, a little bridge building might be in order, in my opinion. :)

Islam has replaced communism as the mother of all evils,I am afraid Eliko...People will not stop and think that there are probably no more than 5000 hard core islamic fundamentalist in the whole world who would be prepared to kill for their religion...And there are hundreds of millions of muslims who believe that killing a human being is the worse sin you can possibly commit...But here we are...all muslims are potential terrorists for some Western governments...We live in a world where individual greed and blind liberal capitalism are on target to destroy half of the world's population within 50 warming and environmental vandalism have brought the very survival of humanity into serious doubt...Yet most people see Islamic terrorism as the most imminent thread to their way of life...How stupid can we all get????? :roll: :cry: :cry:

Bir , let me put a new interpretation of Islam . Pakistan , Bangladesh Middle Eastern .
Turkish Islam. Worlds apart .Let me respectfully disagree with the number that you have given as the hard core " Islamists" .

The overwhelming majority of UK Muslims are peaceful , hard working people . I personally know hundreds since my showroom is next to a mosque, the Imam is a wonderful man who often enquires as to the well being of my wife and offers prayes . There are however thousands of dedicated rouble rousers who have allowed them selves to be indoctrinated by ignorant radical Imams , most of them imported from Pakistan and unable to even speak English let alone understand the culture of the natives. As you know all good Pakistani Muslims must send their children daily to Madrases to learn about their faith. These children are not taught anything about other faiths other than there is but one faith and one faith alone and that is Islam , therefore all non Muslims are infidels. This is the crack of the matter. Islam scholars ought to re assess their teachings and stop this medieval nonsense that theirs is the only religion and the 4 billion plus non Muslims in the world are infidels. There are much that is good in all faiths , bearing in my mind that I do not subscribe in the belief of a God , I can stand aside and objectively comment on peculiarities that exist in all religions. Islam is responsible for putting its own house in order , Kemal Ataturk did that for Turkey where for a woman to be covered up from head to toe is illegal.
Last evening I entered the lift , elevator , of a major London hospital in the heart of London. I never felt so uncomfortable on entering and being confronted by two women dressed in black and covered from head to toe
the whole scene was so unreal , here in the heart of London two women presumably visiting someone in Hospital dressed in such a frightening manner. I know its their religion , so they say , by why is it that the Turkish women have no problem with "exposing " their face ,a perfectly natural exposure.
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Postby humanist » Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:37 am

I am glad you will not discriminate against a Turk or TC when it comes to love...But what has the poor fig grower of Turkey done to you,mate????

Nothing, but the government that collects his/ her taxes are illegally and unwantigly occupying my country, and violate some 320,000 (including T_C's) of my compatriots human rights .........
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:54 am

miltiades wrote:Bir , let me put a new interpretation of Islam . Pakistan , Bangladesh Middle Eastern .
Turkish Islam. Worlds apart .Let me respectfully disagree with the number that you have given as the hard core " Islamists" .

The overwhelming majority of UK Muslims are peaceful , hard working people . I personally know hundreds since my showroom is next to a mosque, the Imam is a wonderful man who often enquires as to the well being of my wife and offers prayes . There are however thousands of dedicated rouble rousers who have allowed them selves to be indoctrinated by ignorant radical Imams , most of them imported from Pakistan and unable to even speak English let alone understand the culture of the natives. As you know all good Pakistani Muslims must send their children daily to Madrases to learn about their faith. These children are not taught anything about other faiths other than there is but one faith and one faith alone and that is Islam , therefore all non Muslims are infidels. This is the crack of the matter. Islam scholars ought to re assess their teachings and stop this medieval nonsense that theirs is the only religion and the 4 billion plus non Muslims in the world are infidels. There are much that is good in all faiths , bearing in my mind that I do not subscribe in the belief of a God , I can stand aside and objectively comment on peculiarities that exist in all religions. Islam is responsible for putting its own house in order , Kemal Ataturk did that for Turkey where for a woman to be covered up from head to toe is illegal.
Last evening I entered the lift , elevator , of a major London hospital in the heart of London. I never felt so uncomfortable on entering and being confronted by two women dressed in black and covered from head to toe
the whole scene was so unreal , here in the heart of London two women presumably visiting someone in Hospital dressed in such a frightening manner. I know its their religion , so they say , by why is it that the Turkish women have no problem with "exposing " their face ,a perfectly natural exposure.

Great to hear from you,dear miltiades....

I agree with you completely...Islam has a big image problem...
But the numbers I was quoting were not the numbers of "true believers" if you like,but the numbers who would be prepared to carry out terrorist attacks in the name of their religion...Because islam like all religions preaches that killing another human being is a great sin...
But you are right. It is upto Islam to fix its image problem...Living in a Western country and preaching that uncovered women is like "meat left out in the open" can never be justified or excused... There is a lot of tolerant messages in islam towards other religions (with the exception of Judaism I believe),but none of that are stressed by the preachers or reported on by the media...The commercial media reports everything in a sensational manner,and creates the impression that Islam equals terrorism...Hence your reaction (very human and understandable) when faced with those women in the hospital lift...
The conflict I have is this: in a truly democratic country you cannot dictate to people regarding their can only hope and pray that their religious leaders will preach sensible codes to fit in as much as possible with the society in which they live...That this is not happening in some communities ,as you mention,is a cause for great concern...
When I was on my trip last year,I came face to face (so to speak!) with some islamic women dressed as you described,on Singapour Airlines...
My reaction was not much different from yours in the lift...
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