humanist wrote:Pitsilos am the star at my workplace and loved by all my colleagues however when they make generalised statements about Lebanese, it is constant reminder that I am not angl saxon, yet they are happy to suff themselves with lebanese take away, when John Howard and his cronies go obout migrants ought to do this and that I feel that I am not accepted for my difference and what I can bring to this country.
I do not agree with fundamentalism of any sort whether it is Muslim mufties making inappropriate coments or christians making coments like " of course she is Christian and she will go to heaven" etc. Or when I hear comments like oh but your different Andreas I don't even see you as a migrant. What the hell does that mean?
I would argue that I am more Australian than many so called Australians
Andrea I hear you...but later dude...just finished work, and I am beat, also trying hard to rid the damn cold...
you need to change your reading sources dude...

There is only one job that you can't apply downunder regardless who you are and that is head of state....a symbolic. meangless tile, but reserved for the queen...and then for god forbid charlie the moron...yes and i totally agree is absurd...