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Exorcist-seeker wrote:Cypezokli: LMAO the russian ppl dnt even like Putin anymore, his is as unpopular as Bush is, Look into your russian politics there has been many Cue attemps. His Tought stance does not fool me, he is as educated as a Ferrit (Hence they lose there memory ever few hours).
He only was elected throught the policy the country was in ruins and he was the only valued candidate. Being Ex KGB and all gave him that 'Im a tought Russian' image. Cast back to the 'Kursk' Days (if i remem that name right) when Russia/Putin refused to help 200 marines under water stuck in a nuclear submarine. He refused international help. He only accepted the help of the brittish when he knew they was dead, and you refer to this guy as a leader??? Who do you think tried to posion the Ukrain Pm when they was having an election. Putin did as he knew the 'Orange Party' leasder would not support russia like the previous leader did.
The guy is war hungry and knows the only way he will stop in power is through war... and this is why his idol threats will not go a miss. He will be dealt with in due time... Via asassination or War!!!
oranos64 wrote:eliko ...i expected better from you ...you are talking to a guy who watches "24 " or lives in the "action man world"
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