First of all I wish to apologise to friend Insan for the harsh and perhaps unjust criticism in a previous message. It seems though that friend Insan has a habit and a passion to constantly search for comments by GC and Greek politicians in which there is a reference to a so called Hellenic "national cause," -which in most cases are made for internal consumption, in order to raise a point as to the true but hidden intentions of GC. Insan, there is no such a thing as a hidden agenda coded under the term national cause. If there was, I would have been among the first to be aware of it. The reference to a national cause of Hellenism, nowadays, should be treated as a philological or a rhetorical one, rather than a literal. When there are remarks to a so called national cause in relation to Cyprus, these are mainly referring or related to the need to obstruct and block the mainland Turkish national cause and that of their puppets in Cyprus, which we view to be that of dividing Cyprus and having permanent military control over it, either through the present occupation (according to GCs) or thought a political settlement in which the independence and sovereignty of Cypriots (GCs and TCs) will be limited to that of a protectorate state which will only play the role of the bucket carrier to the megalomaniac aspirations of Turkish deep state politics and /or those of the Anglo-American imperialists in the region. There is no such a national cause, as you perhaps imagine, which aspires the reincarnation of the so called "Megali idea" or the so called hellenisation of the island. Yes there is some rhetoric and a lot garbology but no evidence and more importantly, no secret agenda. And you know this very well! What about the comments made by Mr. Tayip Erdogan the other day that “whatever land is captured with blood cannot be returned back.” Should I also conclude that the Turks real intention is to hold on Cyprus militarily forever? Is this the Turkish national cause? I decided not to take them literary, as I am sure they were made for internal consumption. Am I making a mistake?
Furthermore, when one talks about Hellenic ideals today and the need to enhance them, simply refers to the classical Greek ideals. Which are they? You also know them very well! All the western political, scientific and cultural thought (American and European,) claim to be based upon them. They are universal and modern Greeks are no more the owners of them than any other western or even global nation is. Therefore I do no think you should be irritated when hearing this term, especially if you are one (I hope) of the majority of Turkish Cypriots who also believe and support the membership of Cyprus (and Turkey's accession candidacy,) in the EU. Unless you prefer to hear references to the "Hellenic ideals" from all the rest of the world, except from the mouth of Greeks or GCypriots. Even the first draft of the EU constitution had made reference to them.
You also seem to resent the fact that there are cultural, educational and political ties between Greece and that portion of Cypriots who possess a Hellenic background (i.e. GCs.) Fortunately or unfortunately this is an inevitable consequence of the fact that these two entities share the same or similar linguistic, cultural and religious elements. It is no different than that of similar ties that British and Americans or Australians and British or Spanish and Latin Americans or Turks and Turkish Cypriots have. I do not a see conflict between having those ties and still maintaining ones citizenship or state autonomy. The Anglo-Saxon American is no less an American because he shares cultural commonalities with the British Anglo-Saxon and vice versa. I do not resent your wish to have similar ties with the people of Turkey or the cooperation of Cyprus with Turkey on that level too. To the contrary, I am interested in knowing more about these ties and perhaps use or benefit from any or all those elements of these ties that I find positive. In fact, there are things in the Turkish Cypriot sub-culture that I envy and I would like them to be adopted in the Greek Cypriot sub-culture. For example you have a better family cohesiveness, you are more polite in your intra-family and intra-communal dealings and have an even higher drive for education than GCs have.