garbitsch wrote: And the problem can be solved when T.Cs acknowledge their guilt and abandon TRNC and go back to RoC. Is that what you are arguing?
First of all if you want answers to your questions you must answer my own questions that you left behind. So for the last time I am doing you the favour of replying your questions, while my own questions remain un-answered.
The problem can be solved when there is a solution where the illegality of the Kksomething and everything that is based upon, evaporates to thin air, and there is justice and restoration of human rights for all, including our refugeees.One way of solving it, is the return back to RoC constitution, under which as you know got your Ids, your passports, your EU aid, and your classification as Europeans.
As for the points of Jimmy, universal principles like majority rule (from where his argument originates) are well known to the whole world, whereas the Anan Plan is not even known by the people a few miles away from Cyprus like Egypt, and Lebanon. Secondly like I said before, I don't accept the argument that the whole world has a YES or NO opinion over the Anan Plan so your argument is irrelevant. First prove me the whole world knows the Anan Plan (like they know of what majority rule means), then I will have no problem accepting their opinion. 99% of the EU MPs never read even a single page from the Anan Plan!!!
PS. As Jimmy seems to be on the same wavelength like you, feel free to ask for his help in replying..
Erol wrote: As we were in 1960? I understand and ultimately can accept safeguards by agreement but you must also realise why we remain 'skeptical' as to how far 'mere agreements' can actualy protected us, given the history, if those that make the agreements are only doing so as a 'means to an end' and without sincereity. As important as the agreements (for me at least) is my perception of the intent of those that sign them This kind of concern is only increased when poster like boulio insist that it is both right and valid for GC to ignore any agrement they have made or may make in the future if they deem it to be against their interest later - as he has done here.
I understand your points and concerns Erol, but the sincerety can be checked prior as well as after the implementation. Like I said there will be ample time for you to evaluate the situation and ENOUGH open doors to escape from a non sincere application of the agreement. a)The fact that you are already concentrated in the North and most propably this concentration will last for ever b)The demilitarising procedure will take at least 2 years so the Turkish Army will still be here in case everything goes wrong because of GC cheating.
I can see your non trust to GCs, but beleive me there is an equal non trust among us for the TCs.The only way to eradicate this mistrust is start working together.