T_C me mate I sposted the video of Makarios not because of him but because of the interviews with the chldren. I think they captured excactly what you were saying except from the other side. No need for apology I was trying to illustrate the point that both communities have equal and vaild experiences and hence beliefs.
I think the sooner we stop talking about my people, your people and see all of Cypriots as just that we will find a solution to our Cyprus Problem.
As you are aware I am not that attched to side taking and I do believe that the RoC can ccertainly do more to be more inclussive and the frst thing that it can do is to change the anthem, secondly it needs to be talking to Talat, thirdy is to be proposing where it will house Turkish Cyp's who do not wish to return to their mixed villages in the south, ought to be talikng to Turkish Cyp's about assistance to rebuild their villages in the south, or perhaps even start rebuilding infrastructure in and around these villages with the leaders of these villages being involved, what am hearng is that Turkish Cyp's want equlity, respect and representation, no if the property issue stand in the way of unification then we need to look at alternatives. As far as I understand most of the missing have been identified as dead (including my uncle and Turkish Cyp's) so that should no longer be a problem in a solution.
right back at ya