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Killing Baby Girls

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Killing Baby Girls

Postby kafenes » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:08 pm

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India plans to create a registry of all pregnancies to help curb widespread female feticide and reduce its high infant mortality rate, although activists say the scheme will be hard to implement.
"With this, mysterious abortions will become difficult," Women and Child Development Minister Renuka Chowdhury told the Hindustan Times.
The government wanted to ensure that abortions -- often carried out illegally with the aim of doing away with unwanted female fetuses -- were done for an "acceptable and valid reason," she said.
"This will help to check both feticide and infant mortality."
Around 10 million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, the government says.Despite a law banning sex determination tests in a country where boys are widely preferred, many parents get female fetuses aborted, taking advantage of the widespread availability of ultrasound technology and the willingness of some doctors to conduct illegal abortions for money.
Others kill newly born girls by breaking their necks or, in some rural areas, by stuffing hay down their throats.
Earlier this month, a two-day-old baby girl was found alive in a grave in southern India after being buried by her grandfather who did not want to bear the cost of bringing her up.
Some activists said the government's plan to create a pregnancy register in a country of 1.1 billion people -- where more than 50 percent of women deliver children at home without medical assistance -- was unrealistic.
"We cannot give elementary health services in a satisfactory way to most of our citizens, and to talk about registering pregnancies is ridiculous," said Alok Mukhopadhyay, head of the Voluntary Health Association of India.
"Public awareness, empowerment of women and extension of health services are key in fighting infant mortality and feticide, as well as implementing the existing laws that forbid sex determination."
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) welcomed the plan but said the government also needed to provide more facilities for institutional deliveries in rural areas and crack down harder on doctors abetting feticide.
"Registering pregnancies is good," said Marzio Babille, UNICEF's head of health in India.
"If we act upon mothers by registering pregnancies, offering quality ante-natal care, good counseling to deal with complications and an efficient transportation network ... this would enormously help promote institutional deliveries and strengthen and expand the safe maternity scheme," Babille added.
At present, India's infant mortality rate is 57 per 1,000 live births, which is higher than impoverished Bangladesh and Namibia and double that of Egypt.
"We should be ashamed," Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss told senior health bureaucrats on Thursday.
The government wants all rural health centers, hospitals and maternity homes to register pregnancies. It plans to increase the number of health workers who will locate and provide care to pregnant women in rural areas.
With the extra information, authorities hope to get a more accurate picture of India's infant mortality rate.
Many Indian parents prefer a boy as he is seen as a future breadwinner who will take care of them in their old age, while a girl is perceived to be a burden for whom a large dowry will have to paid at the time of marriage.
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Postby kafenes » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:10 pm

I am shocked and lost for words. And here we are arguing about the Cyprus problem.
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Re: Killing Baby Girls

Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:15 pm

kafenes wrote:NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India plans to create a registry of all pregnancies to help curb widespread female feticide and reduce its high infant mortality rate, although activists say the scheme will be hard to implement.
"With this, mysterious abortions will become difficult," Women and Child Development Minister Renuka Chowdhury told the Hindustan Times.
The government wanted to ensure that abortions -- often carried out illegally with the aim of doing away with unwanted female fetuses -- were done for an "acceptable and valid reason," she said.
"This will help to check both feticide and infant mortality."
Around 10 million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, the government says.Despite a law banning sex determination tests in a country where boys are widely preferred, many parents get female fetuses aborted, taking advantage of the widespread availability of ultrasound technology and the willingness of some doctors to conduct illegal abortions for money.
Others kill newly born girls by breaking their necks or, in some rural areas, by stuffing hay down their throats.
Earlier this month, a two-day-old baby girl was found alive in a grave in southern India after being buried by her grandfather who did not want to bear the cost of bringing her up.
Some activists said the government's plan to create a pregnancy register in a country of 1.1 billion people -- where more than 50 percent of women deliver children at home without medical assistance -- was unrealistic.
"We cannot give elementary health services in a satisfactory way to most of our citizens, and to talk about registering pregnancies is ridiculous," said Alok Mukhopadhyay, head of the Voluntary Health Association of India.
"Public awareness, empowerment of women and extension of health services are key in fighting infant mortality and feticide, as well as implementing the existing laws that forbid sex determination."
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) welcomed the plan but said the government also needed to provide more facilities for institutional deliveries in rural areas and crack down harder on doctors abetting feticide.
"Registering pregnancies is good," said Marzio Babille, UNICEF's head of health in India.
"If we act upon mothers by registering pregnancies, offering quality ante-natal care, good counseling to deal with complications and an efficient transportation network ... this would enormously help promote institutional deliveries and strengthen and expand the safe maternity scheme," Babille added.
At present, India's infant mortality rate is 57 per 1,000 live births, which is higher than impoverished Bangladesh and Namibia and double that of Egypt.
"We should be ashamed," Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss told senior health bureaucrats on Thursday.
The government wants all rural health centers, hospitals and maternity homes to register pregnancies. It plans to increase the number of health workers who will locate and provide care to pregnant women in rural areas.
With the extra information, authorities hope to get a more accurate picture of India's infant mortality rate.
Many Indian parents prefer a boy as he is seen as a future breadwinner who will take care of them in their old age, while a girl is perceived to be a burden for whom a large dowry will have to paid at the time of marriage.

And these are the people who we are sending our jobs to, a country that has more Billionairs than the UK, with one of the worlds fastest growing economys poverty isn't receding as fast as it should.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:38 pm

and WHO calls Americans barbarians?
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:41 pm

omg what wrong with these people they are fucking freaks!! killing your child because its a girl they worse the people from iraq and bin laden. SICKOS
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Postby Southerner » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:50 pm

paliometoxo wrote:omg what wrong with these people they are fucking freaks!! killing your child because its a girl they worse the people from iraq and bin laden. SICKOS

Thats just scratching the surface, then there's child slavery where familiys sell their chidren to sweat shop owners, a recent documentry showed children as young 10 years breaking up beached wrecks full a of dangeruos materials, all working in bare feet; no protective clothing whatsoever.
But remember one thing all that is why people like Dyson (Vacuum cleaners) have moved their production there along many other companys as well as most call centres.
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Postby Crivens » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:54 pm

Have you also heard of Honour killings? I saw a news report on this shortly before leaving the UK. Basically young Indian girls were being killed *in the UK* by their family (mainly the father by the looks of things) because they had brought dis-honour to their family. Normally from getting English (as in ancestors were from England...) boyfriends or acting in a slutty western way (short skirts and the like). Apparently some of the people were quite adamant that it was perfectly fine as it was a traditional thing to do. Bad enough in your own country, but they did not seem to get the idea that it was breaking a law in the UK. Eh?

When you get nonsense like this sort of thing then massive riots because of religious cartoons because even more ridiculous.

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Postby Crivens » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:00 pm

as well as most call centres
Yep. Our helpdesk team in the UK have been shitting themselves over that one for a while now. I also wonder why there isn't some sort of major tax for companies doing this sort of thing. I mean I can go to another country, buy something (for example gold from Dubai), then come back to the UK, and what happens? Yep, massive duty to pay to the point it isn't worth it. So why not massive duty for the service they provide? Nope, just creates the situation where people in the UK cannot compete for the jobs (not for the money they get).

Oh yeah, ang on, helpdesks in India make it better for the UK in the long term. According to the government...

And don't forget programming teams too. Our companies done that in the past. Not so easy to do though as helpdesks, but it is only getting easier and they are getting better. Eventually you will end up with large IT firms in a tiny office somewhere with fat directors and 2000 workers in India doing all the work for less money than the janitor. And then when there is no competition they will up the prices. Kind of see the countries swapping around when it comes to status...

One upside is that for help desks at least the public seems to be revolting against overseas help lines. Good one. Wait though until they become better at the job though and you can't tell the difference...

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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:21 pm

Southerner wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:omg what wrong with these people they are fucking freaks!! killing your child because its a girl they worse the people from iraq and bin laden. SICKOS

Thats just scratching the surface, then there's child slavery where familiys sell their chidren to sweat shop owners, a recent documentry showed children as young 10 years breaking up beached wrecks full a of dangeruos materials, all working in bare feet; no protective clothing whatsoever.
But remember one thing all that is why people like Dyson (Vacuum cleaners) have moved their production there along many other companys as well as most call centres.

i dident think there was anywhere in the world still selling people like animals... how twisted and backwards are they? and i thought cyprus was behind times compared to uk and us with technology and ways of thinking
but this is a whole new level of low and sick what people will do for money and to survive is whats needed why have kids? just for the money to sell them and murder the child if its a girl??

id rather a girl then a boy but if i had a boy i wouldent kill it what person could do this? ANIMALS someoen should stop them
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:23 pm

yes they move to india because they pay them so little pay for the same thing th eonly difference is these idiots dont knwo what they are doing and dont help at all
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