Eliko wrote:[ quote="Southerner"]And what the hell has this got to do with the killing of baby girls?
If you take the time to review post 9 on page 5 of this thread, I think you will discover that it was YOU who took us 'off track' when you introduced the subject of 'Carpet Bombings' and Saddam Hussein into the discussion.

You were making an identical comment regarding indiscriminate slaughter to one you made in another thread where I, as per usual, had to point out the true facts. Your previous reference was bombing from a height of 6 miles, which is carpet bombing or indiscriminate slaughter.
In actual fact it is you who regularly goes off topic (everytime you are proven wrong) and straight into the Iraq situation with ludicrous propoganda fed claims against the coalition.
The only indiscriminate slaughter in Iraq is what happens everyday from suicide bombers.
The Iraqi situation has been a godsend to you it's the miracle aliment for all the problems you come up with!