Eliko wrote:Southerner wrote:Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, God Bless you for the faith you have in your nation, I am not going to engage you on the issue as I am sure you have taken quite enough 'Flak' already.
I do not wish to create the impression that we are enemies, let us see what takes place in the course of the next few months.
It is almost midnight here, I am very tired and wish you a pleasant day, Goodnight. X
Eliko can you tell me if as you say the coalition are so despised in Iraq why are the Muslims killing each other by the dozen each day.
What warped sense of justice will you come up with to justify why Muslims are killing Muslims everyday, deliberately slaughtering innocent men, women and children? How will you turn it around to be the fault of the coalition. If you are a Muslim tell us your views on Muslims murdering Muslims, are they following their late leaders example by murdering Muslims, remember one incident, 180,000 Kurdish Muslims at just one sitting and lets not foreget the Marsh Arabs., how many of them were they?
It would be very easy to form the opinion that you agreed with everything that Saddam and the Taleban did.
Were you complaining when NATO forces went to the aid of Muslims in the former Yugoslavia/Kosovo. If not it seems like double standards to me.
At least GorillaGal has got integrity
Southerner, I am sure I have made my position quite clear regarding the questions you pose, if you were to read through our recent exchanges you will discover the answers you seek.
If you have formed the opinion that I condone the actions of Saddam Hussein and Co, you confirm the fact that you have not.
As to your comments about NATO, I cannot see the connection between an unlawful attack on an innocent nation (condemned by most of the world) and an action which was sanctioned by the same world leaders.
As to your veiled snipe at my integrity, I consider your remark to be insulting and beneath you Sir, if you are a gentleman of course.
Southerner, since you have introduced the word 'Integrity' into the discussions, I wonder if I may be allowed to illustrate what I consider to be a significant FACT (using the word in a certain form of interpretation ?).
You have expressed your intention to take up residence in Cyprus, I am sure you will find you are quite welcome and I wish you well.
While you are here, observe the general behaviour of the the young (particularly British) as they pursue their favourite pastimes of over indulging themselves with drink, using abusive language and abandoning every aspect of decency expected of them.
You will NOT see many Cypriot girls behaving in such a fashion, you see, they have more respect for themselves, they are more concerned with maintaining the 'INTEGRITY OF THEIR CULTURE'.
Perhaps THAT is why people of other nations do not wish to be forced into accepting what they perceive to be dominance of a decadent society ?.
Surely worth thinking about don't you think?. (That's all I do).