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Killing Baby Girls

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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:28 pm

[quote="GorillaGal"]and WHO calls Americans barbarians?[/quote]

Indias barbarism is due to ignorance. USA's barbarism is deliberate. methodical.
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Postby rotate » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:25 pm

paliometoxo wrote:yes they move to india because they pay them so little pay for the same thing th eonly difference is these idiots dont knwo what they are doing and dont help at all

Companies can come unstuck outsourcing!
My former employer, a large UK based international business outsourced most of its IT operations/customer service telephone systems to India. Hailed as a glowing cost saving success by senior management during the first year the Indian employee's were not slow to realise how central they were to the success or otherwise of the business and accordingly demanded higher wages and better conditions of employment. The demands of the employee's were eventually met as the company was over a barrel and the company found to its cost that they now had to deal with an organised labour force controlled or led if you prefer by employee representitives who made the 'looney left' of the 1960/70's UK trade union movement seem positively docile in comparison.

Interesting to note that within two years of outsourcing to India all the UK based 'project and change managers' who had so brilliantly conceived the idea were themselves able to be free of working for the business and in their language 'able to accept the challenge of career change', in other words they were sacked for screwing up!
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Postby karma » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:39 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:and WHO calls Americans barbarians?

Indias barbarism is due to ignorance. USA's barbarism is deliberate. methodical.

totally agreed...very different cases...Indians are one of the most lovely and respectable people on earth...this happens only in few villages where ignorant, poor people live...Im sure things will change soon..
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:07 pm

karma, you are absolutely right, it is not our business to interfere with the structure of another culture, in order to enlighten them we should show them by EXAMPLE and leave them to decide their own course.

If the EXAMPLE we set is envied by them, they will emulate us, unfortunately their perception of our supposedly superior culture, falls seriously short in their view.

How many young girls take their own lives due to over-indulgence in drugs, fall victim to sexual diseases and other immoral issues ?

The Indian way of life is different to ours, it may not suit us and we are at liberty to criticise it (though bad) in our eyes, the faults in the culture are negligible in comparison to the practised decadence of the USA. :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:27 pm

I'm not even going to read this Kafene, I can't handle it! :(
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:57 pm

Eliko wrote:karma, you are absolutely right, it is not our business to interfere with the structure of another culture, in order to enlighten them we should show them by EXAMPLE and leave them to decide their own course.

If the EXAMPLE we set is envied by them, they will emulate us, unfortunately their perception of our supposedly superior culture, falls seriously short in their view.

How many young girls take their own lives due to over-indulgence in drugs, fall victim to sexual diseases and other immoral issues ?

The Indian way of life is different to ours, it may not suit us and we are at liberty to criticise it (though bad) in our eyes, the faults in the culture are negligible in comparison to the practised decadence of the USA. :wink:

and how many of those poor dead baby girls could have gone on to do great and wonderful things with hteir lives, or give birth to someone who will? poor dead girls. no one to speak for them, to help save them. oh yes eliko, let us wait, wait until thousands more innocent baby girls die. what a good idea. who needs them anyway?
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:15 pm

GorillaGal, a wasted life is a wasted life, regardless of the circumstances.

The issue here is to do with the Indian culture and how to eradicate what we believe to be a problem.

Their perceptions are different to ours, they have been taught to place a lesser value on life than we have.

No good can come of our condemnation of THEIR culture, while they are sceptical of OURS.

If we can present ourselves in a manner which convinces them that OUR culture is superior, THEY will take note of the fact and emulate ours.
Unfortunately, WE of the West do not impress them in such a way and thus WE fail because of that fact. :wink:
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:37 am

i agree with u GorillaGal
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:01 am

Eliko wrote:GorillaGal, a wasted life is a wasted life, regardless of the circumstances.

The issue here is to do with the Indian culture and how to eradicate what we believe to be a problem.

Their perceptions are different to ours, they have been taught to place a lesser value on life than we have.

No good can come of our condemnation of THEIR culture, while they are sceptical of OURS.

If we can present ourselves in a manner which convinces them that OUR culture is superior, THEY will take note of the fact and emulate ours.
Unfortunately, WE of the West do not impress them in such a way and thus WE fail because of that fact. :wink:

They also intentionally create cripples of their children by breaking their arms or legs in order to enchance their begging status. They also sell their off springs to Arabs for peanants so that these wretched little souls would provide sexual gratification to these barbarians and also double up as jockeys for Camels racing. What a Culture !!
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:07 am

miltiades, you can chalk up another 'goof' in your interpretation of the topic, it is not necessary to expand the contents, deal with the issue being discussed.

What is your view on the subject. :?:
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