turkish_cypriot, you once again choose to excuse the murder, rapes and ethnic cleansing of
innocent people.
If we had your kinds of morals then we could also very easily excuse the crimes against TCs and claim that they were necessary to protect our country from those that had a plan since the 50s to divide our country and ethnically cleanse us from part of our homeland.
It can not be that your crimes against 100s of thousands of innocent people can be excused, while our crimes can not.
Murataga, once again I will have to inform you that union with Greece was in fact our right which the colonialists and you forcefully denied to us.
Here is again the resolution about decolonization which clearly states that areas that are decolonized should have the right to integrate into another state if this is what the population of the territory democratically chooses.
http://www.un.org/Depts/dpi/decolonizat ... ration.htm
So I don't know why you mention that as if it was a crime. Would it be a crime if Turkey joins the EU because there is a percentage of Turks who strongly opposes it?
OR it would be a crime if Turkey is accepted in EU, the great majority of Turks also want to join the EU, but a foreign power along with a minority in Turkey (e.g. Kurds) force Turkey not to join?