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Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to UK/US

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Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to UK/US

Postby Exorcist-seeker » Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:43 pm

Iran are the biggest disturbance within the middle east region, there persuit of a nuclear bomb is a sheer display they will use it if they can at any chance... the 'childishness' of the captured sailors incident shows that iran have no degree of morals and can not be trusted. Bush should strike now backed by the United Nations... in the case of no support UK/US need to make a sustained attack on iran and secure wourld peace!!

God bless Bush/Blair
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:11 am

Exorcist-seeker, don't you think the US and UK are doing enough to secure world peace already ?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to U

Postby pantheman » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:19 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Iran are the biggest disturbance within the middle east region, there persuit of a nuclear bomb is a sheer display they will use it if they can at any chance... the 'childishness' of the captured sailors incident shows that iran have no degree of morals and can not be trusted. Bush should strike now backed by the United Nations... in the case of no support UK/US need to make a sustained attack on iran and secure wourld peace!!

God bless Bush/Blair

Tosser, haven't you heard yet ? Blair ain't there no more . Horray at long last the bastard has gone. And may go to hell too.

As for Bush, his time is nearing too. You are beginning to sound like those terrorists you keep going on about. Anytime soon, you'll be putting a rocket up your arse and running into an Iranian wedding shouting Bush, Bush, bush. Yoy western terrorist. Just where to you get your traing from. CIA ir MI6??
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:23 am

pantheman, well said, I am convinced this 'Geezer' is having a laugh, nobody could be THAT stupid. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:39 am

Lets just take into account, NATO have a mandate on a nuclear disarment schedule for Iraq. All nato members (all 26 of them) believe Irans reason/policy for a nuclear weapon is for harmful use only.

When they have a nuclear bomb and use it, you will be winging about the same things you are now saying

'America should have done this, america should have done that'

You need to think befor you speak as America are a country you depend on!!
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Postby Eliko » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:48 am

Exorcist-seeker, Good night mate, it's almost 2 am and I've had enough. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby pantheman » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:49 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Lets just take into account, NATO have a mandate on a nuclear disarment schedule for Iraq. All nato members (all 25 of them) believe Irans reason/policy for a nuclear weapon is for harmful use only.

When they have a nuclear bomb and use it, you will be winging about the same things you are now saying

'America should have done this, america should have done that'

You need to think befor you speak as America are a country you depend on!!

To depend on getting me or my family killed, thats what i can depend on. They have ignited almost every lunatic person and country on the planet with their foreign policies. They go in get what they want to hell with every one else. You perhaps need to look at the reasons these people feel the need to arm themselves they way that they do. I don't condone the killing of innocent people by terrorists NOR so called democratic countirs like the US, but bloody hell mate, the only way to cure a desease is to find the source of the problem not to treat the symptoms.

Don't you at least agree with that ?
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Re: Iran-Harbour/Fund/Deploy terrorists, there a threat to U

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:38 am

Hmm, let’s see what feeble-head has to say…

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Iran are the biggest disturbance within the middle east region,

Utter rubbish. Iran is a very peaceful country that respects it’s neighbors by respecting their borders. It’s the US I would worry about who magically find themselves thousands of kilometers away from home shit stirring around Iran! You get 0/10 here.

there persuit of a nuclear bomb is a sheer display they will use it if they can at any chance...

So according to your logic anyone who does nuclear research and establishes a plant towards nuclear energy already has a target in mind to destroy? What about S.Africa, Japan, Israel, etc, how is it that they were able to research and establish a plant without bombing anyone? Childish logic so I’m afraid you get 0/10 again!

the 'childishness' of the captured sailors incident shows that iran have no degree of morals and can not be trusted.

Hmm, let’s see now… Iran arrests 15 punks, who find themselves thousands of kilometers away from home, in or near Iranian waters in full military gear, and they apprehend, detain, question, feed, clothe, and hand them over to the UK and you call that childish? Personally I would’ve executed them! 0/10

Bush should strike now backed by the United the case of no support UK/US need to make a sustained attack on iran and secure wourld peace!!

Had the callous US/UK known that they could get away with it they would but Iran luckily can defend itself because they have been involved in nuclear research with N.Korea for just over a decade. The US/UK never attack a country that can properly defend itself and that is why so many countries are now rushing to acquire the bomb. 0/10

Here, feast your eyes on Iranian firepower: ... issile.htm

As for the US/UK securing peace…after reading the above figure it out yourself!

My advice: Stay out of international politics because you’re too lazy to read anyways so why make a dork of yourself with cheap sophistries?
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:11 am

Get Real: You have wasted so much time quoting me you have lost sight of the bigger picture!!

North Korea - Are a threat to the whole world, China and stated that if North Korea continue there persuit of a Nuclear bomb they will take action. So does this mean China are wrong?

As for isreal, the iranian president has said on several occasions that 'Isreal' should seiz to exist, n that it should be demolished and removed from the middle east region, a president of any country who states this clearly states they do not have a secure frame of mind to lead a conutry. These are the people you want to have a nuclear weapon!!!

Im starting to ask myself, are you so stupid that you have been blinded by the whole 'Its in fashion to hate america' pahse, that you do not realise Iran are a threat to world peace.
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Postby pitsilos » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:51 am

Im starting to ask myself, are you so stupid that you have been blinded by the whole 'Its in fashion to hate america' pahse, that you do not realise Iran are a threat to world peace.

on the contrary koumbare its fools like you that are a threat to world peace...
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